Letters to the editor – Monday (4-20-09)
Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 19, 2009
True ‘arrogance’ lies in Washington
Before the world, “he” said we were arrogant. That’s OK. Most of us have thick skin and are not offended by anyone calling us names out of ignorance and putting us Americans down in the eyes of the world.
“He” could have said worse things about us. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano reported that right wing extremist groups would try to recruit returning vets to, I suppose, destroy the government. Does this include all of us who have served in the military? We’ve all been trained to kill using various weapons. Are we all now a potential terrorist threat to our nation?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that we “tea baggers” were screwballs, namely a bunch of radicals recruited by the Republicans to raise hell about the ridiculous, uncontrolled spending of our tax dollars that will put our children and grandchildren in debt for years to come. A child born 10 years from now could start out life owing $50,000 or more. We tea baggers (independents, Republicans and Democrats) are also against tax increases that will and must happen to pay off the debt caused by all the spending. How could anyone want to pay more taxes when Washington (both parties) spends it on pork projects and bails out financial institutions without knowing how or where it’s being spent? Pelosi also said that enforcement of immigration laws was un-American.
Oh? So that means our police are un-American when they arrest illegal aliens to deport them to their country of origin. What’s going on with our government? They call us names, we who stand up for what we believe is best for our country are called radicals and our vets who are willing to give their lives are called possible terrorists. It is no doubt who the true “arrogant” folks are, the ones in Congress (both parties) who have no concept of what the folks in this country want and need. I think most people would prefer a small government, low taxes an equal opportunity to work hard and succeed along with freedom and the right to express their religions and have security from our enemies who are determined to destroy us.
ó Donald Schumacher
Viewing euthanasia is a morbid idea
We have to respond to the April 15 article on viewing animal euthanasia at the Rowan County Animal Shelter. We understand why Salisbury Post reporters need to view this for story coverage. Officials with the state, animal-right groups or the Humane Society need to confirm the deaths are humane. However, when a person turns a pet over to the shelter, that pet becomes the property of the shelter. What kind of morbid person would want to view an unadopted pet’s final moments of life? That sounds rather sick.
Owners should place free ads with the Salisbury Post and in vets’ offices, contact the Humane Society etc. to ensure every effort to place their pets in new homes before relinquishing these pets to the shelter.The task of ending these animals lives is stressful enough for the staff, without ex-owners insisting on viewing this process.
If an owner wants to be part of a pet’s death, then arrange for it at your vet’s office. For a fee, you can be with and comfort your pet during its last moments. Your pet will peacefully go to sleep ó a “good death.” Owners who care so little that they fail to protect their pets from rabies should face a stiff fine and have to pay for euthanasia by a vet. The combined cost would encourage owners to better protect their families and pets from rabies. There are rabies clinics held to permit owners to vaccinate their pets for only $7. N.C. law requires pets to be protected from rabies.
Owners of unvaccinated pets who contact rabid animals should not get off so easily by just handing these loving pets over to the shelter. Pets who become s property don’t have owners any more. Ex-owners have no rights to view the deaths of these poor animals.
ó Lisa Shepherd and Amy Shepherd