Letters to the editor Wednesday (04-15-09)

Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 16, 2009

Writer’s hypocrisy
is just the Pitts
I found Leonard Pitts’ Easter Sunday editorial quite interesting. In a vain attempt to appear concerned about “too much information on Levi Johnston,” the father of Bristol Palin’s baby, he used his column to provide us with all of the details once again, just in case some of us had missed anything.
Trying to appear unbiased (unsuccessfully, I might add), he referred to liberals as “they,” as if that somehow would exclude him from “their” viewpoints. This enabled him to use his column as a sounding board to call moralists hypocrites and to imply that “Leave it to Beaver” virtues are naive. One thing he forgot to mention was the fact that although Bristol Palin made the wrong choice to have sex outside of the boundaries of marriage, she made the right choice to allow her child to live, rather than to snuff out the baby’s life with an abortion.
I can venture a guess that Gov. Sarah Palin’s sleep would be much more troubled by visions of her precious grandchild being ripped from the womb than by the 2012 calendar being licked by flames, as he has suggested. Mr. Pitts also failed to mention that Bristol is using her experience in a positive way, trying to help other teens avoid making the same mistake she made. He claims to “find it hard to join in the fun” of the media’s coverage of this unfortunate situation. Why then, Mr. Pitts, did you join in the fun? Talk about hypocrisy!
ó Elizabeth Landry
Humane milestone
Thank you for the great write-up in last week’s Post regarding how much the Humane Society of Rowan County has done for people and animals over the last 35 years.
To continue celebrating the milestone, U.S. Humane Society North Carolina State Director Amanda Arrington will be at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College to speak with county animal lovers today (April 15) at 6 p.m., in Building 100, room 109. It will be a great time to gather and discuss current animal issues.
Everyone is invited. Let’s begin to work together on the next 35 years!
ó Beth Bowman
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