Letters to the editor – Thursday (4-16-09)
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 15, 2009
While America slept …
While we were asleep America changed. Yes, the Civil War is alive and well in Rowan County. It would appear, however, that we have lost the battle for civil liberties, property rights and even our freedom. We are now merely wards of the state. Essentially we are private landowners holding our land for the public trust. We have no rights as Rowan County taxpayers.
There are meetings being held without elected officials or affected property owners. These meetings have the potential of adversely impacting our land values and may even restrict our properties. Our State Preservation Office can declare “historic districts” without public notice, and agreements can be made in secret that affect property owners in Rowan County. Mussolini would be proud.
Yes, while we were asleep America changed. Unless county residents rise up and get involved you will lose your right, if you have not already, to determine what you will do with your land. Forces are at work to control private land for the public good. Don’t worry; they have your best interest at heart. I now know that the real leaders are not our elected officials. The State Preservation Office and special interest groups now control our destiny. Yes, thank you for playing. You only thought you were represented in government.
It’s OK, America, go back to sleep. Everything is well. There will be a new land-use plan, greenways will be developed, land will be restricted even more, and you are powerless to stop it. Remember, special interest groups control Rowan County. Go back to sleep, America ó they’re depending on it.
ó Rod Whedbee
Home school clarifications
Concerning Wednesday’s article on the Home School Library Appreciation event, I inadvertently misstated the actual number of association families. We actually have 140 families representing over 500 members, as opposed to the 200 family members as reported to the Post.
Among the extracurricular activities, I also failed to mention that our children have access to a superb athletic program in alliance with Cabarrus County home-schooled children, hands-on science classes in partnership with Discovery Place and other foreign language opportunities.
My apologies to reporter Mark Wineka, Rowan County Home School Association and the public-at-large for not stating the above facts accurately.
ó Diana Young
Young is a member of the Rowan County Home School Association. Visit our Web site to post online comments responding to letters to the editor, columns and editorials. Go to www.salisburypost.com and click on “Opinion.”