Letters to the editor Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Federal intrusion hurts our economy
With the economy in the mess it is in, I believe there are some things that need to happen to get us out of it.
One is to identify the root cause that started the downward spiral. I believe that was the federal government involvement in the banking industry through the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) back in 1977. This act coerced banks to make loans to people that did not qualify for them. As a result of these “high risk loans” more laws were passed to help the banks and led to the creation of Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. It is time to get rid of these laws.
Another cause is to re-instate the law that FDR imposed back in 1938 to separate the banks from the stock market. FDR saw this as a problem that led to the Great Depression. This law was repealed in 1998. We can see what that led to.
Another huge mistake for our economy (and the greatest leap to socialism) was in December 1993 with the free trade agreements (NAFTA, CAFTA,…). Ross Perot said America would “hear a huge sucking sound of jobs going out of our country to overseas” with this law. That is exactly what has happened. America has lost 80 percent of its manufacturing jobs to countries overseas since then. It is time to get rid of the free trade agreements.
With the economy in such dire straits, the federal government and the local governments need to spend taxpayer dollars only on necessities. Stop all federal payments going overseas. Keep the money in the U.S and don’t raise taxes.
For local governments, no increases in taxes (even a quarter of a cent). No new spending. If ground has not been broken on a project, do not do it.
ó Tim Byrd
Don’t fall for pitch
As you may have recently read, smoking cigarettes played a role in the death of Alan Landers, better known as the “Winston Man.” Did you know that advertising has been very effective in shaping attitudes and behaviors?
Tobacco companies spend more than $6 billion a year in promoting their deadly products. Tobacco companies have to target youth to secure their future ó teens are considered the “replacement smokers.” Studies have shown that teens are three times more likely than adults to respond to cigarette ads. The tobacco ads target our most powerful emotions: pleasure, loneliness, self doubt, fear and competition.
Don’t fall for it. It’s not worth living going through the horrible diseases of lung cancer, throat cancer, and emphysema and others just to satisfy your addiction. It’s hard to quit, but trained professional counselors are just a phone call away at toll-free 1800 QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669). Do something about it today! Local youth anti-tobacco groups are funded by the N.C. Health & Wellness Trust Fund.
ó Shay Steele
Always remember
I would like to thank Barbara Pope for her March 13 letter remembering the murder case of Reesa Dawn Trexler.
It is comforting to know that Reesa has not been forgotten by everyone outside her family.
No, the Police Department as far as we know has not made any attempt to solve the case in many years. In fact, I am sure the entire Police Department does not know much less remember about the Reesa Trexler case.
Her family, however, lives every day without any closure to this horrible tragedy.
Thanks again, Barbara Pope, for your thoughtfulness.
ó Vickie Monroe Oakes
The writer is the mother of Reesa Dawn Trexler.