Marsh column: Tackling blubbery buttocks
Published 12:00 am Saturday, January 31, 2009
Q. After reading how to get rid of belly fat and flabby arms, how can I get rid of a blubbery butt?
A. I knew that was coming! Blubber butt, saggy butt, flabby butt, hanging butt and so forth, all different ways people explain their behinds to me.
Gluteus maximus (big butt muscle) is the main muscle in your rear. Like all other muscles when you are not using it, you will be losing it.
Whether the reason is that the butt muscle is disappearing or your butt muscle going south, don’t you hate it when your “cheeks” are not in your underwear where they belong? Enough of that.
What can we do to get your butt back where it belongs?
As with any other muscle, you have to strengthen that muscle to get it tighter. The following exercises emphasize your gluteus maximus muscle. However, I do believe in working the whole body. In your workout, you could pick three or four exercises of the ones I am going to give you (all exercises focusing on the buttocks).
For strength, do 6-10 reps for 3-4 sets, and for strength endurance, do 12-20 reps for 1-2 sets.
– Lunges ó step forward with one leg and push back to start position. The further you step forward the more gluteus maximus you are working.
This is one of my favorites ó not because I like doing it but because it works so well.
– Squats ó make sure you go deep enough that your upper legs are parallel with the floor.
– Kick-backs ó your leg is on the roll, which should be at least horizontal or higher. The leg you are standing on is slightly bent. Bring leg down and extend towards the back without arching your back. (You probably want a trainer to show you how to do this.)
– Leg press ó let your knees come as close to your chest as is comfortable for you.
The following exercises are done without weight. You can time the exercise or count.
– On hands and knees, keep mid-section stable óbring right knee toward chest and extend completely toward the back. Do not swing the leg up in the air (your back will thank you) Do the same on the other leg.
– Same position, bring bent leg to the side. Also called “fire hydrant” (male dog relieving itself…). Do the same with the other leg.
– Get on stomach with forehead resting on hands. Keep both hip bones on floor. Lift one leg straight off the floor, keeping both hip bones on floor. When coming down don’t let your leg touch the floor. Keep the tension on the muscles. Do the same on the other side.- Lie on your back, knees bent, feet on floor, arms sideways. Lift buttocks off floor and squeeze hard.I know your butt is on fire! But with dedication and determination you too can turn a blubbery buttock into a firm buttock.
Contact Ester Marsh at 704-636-0111 or emarsh@