Parks comply with access rules

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 27, 2009

By Jessie Burchette
After a three-year effort, county parks are now in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Don Bringle, parks director, told the Parks and Recreation Commission Tuesday evening that he is “now comfortable” that the parks are in compliance with the federal regulations.
Bringle’s comment came during an extensive review of the county’s parks and the ongoing efforts to provide concrete paths to allow seniors and those with handicaps to move easily from parking areas to attractions and facilities.
“It’s taken three years at Dan Nicholas (Park), but we’ve been chipping away, putting in more concrete walkways,” he said, going on to provide the commission with dozens of photos showing new sections of concrete paths.
The parks staff has done much of the work, focusing on Ellis and Sloan as well as Dan Nicholas Park.
Much of Ellis Park, where the county’s therapeutic recreation program is headquartered, has gotten new walks in the past week.
In addition to walkways, park staff is adding a new restroom building at Sloan.
Other upcoming projects include adding new metal roofs to picnic shelters and resurfacing tennis courts at Dan Nicholas.
In addition, pervious concrete will be added to sections of the road up Dunn’s Mountain to control continuous washing. As part of the agreement with the LandTrust for Central North Carolina, the prior owner of Dunn’s Mountain, the county agreed not to put asphalt or impervious concrete on the road.
Bringle also reported that high winds that recently raked the county caused only minor damage.
A small tree snapped, hitting the new Stanback Barn. No animals were hurt. Park staff repaired the damage.
A large hickory missed an entrance gate by less than a foot. “That gate would have cost $8,000 to replace,” Bringle said, adding “the Lord was looking after us.”
The tree trapped a visiting group of Mecklenburg County parks officials who were visiting Dan Nicholas and couldn’t leave until the tree was cut away.
In other matters, the board heard information or acted as follows:
– Agreed to delay adoption of new bylaws to give new members a chance to review the proposed changes. County Commissioner Tina Hall also asked for clarification of language dealing with acquisition of property.
– Bringle noted the proposal to move the log cabin owned by the family of the late Rep. Eugene McCombs is now on hold. In the current economy, raising the necessary money would be difficult, he said.
Contact Jessie Burchette at 704-797-4254.