District Court docket – Nov. 18
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 10, 2008
District CourtAbbreviation Key
CAAFóCourt-appointed attorney fee
CSWóCommunity service work
DCóDismissed by the court
NAóNotice of appeal
NGóNot guilty
NRóNot responsible
PJC/CóPrayer for judgment continued/court costs
SAAóSubstance abuse assessment
VDóDismissal without leave by district attorney
WPCóWaived probable cause
Disposition of cases heard Nov. 18 in Rowan Dristrict Probation Violations and Worthless Checks Court by Judge Charlie Brown:
* Misdemeanor probation violation- Thomas Bostian, William Martin Edge, Shirlise Ilene Walker, probation terminated successfully; Eric Eugene Burgess, three charges, 10 day, and two 45 day sentences activated; Mechelle L. Burton, continue under former order; Justin Scott Bush, 6 month sentence activated, NA; Matthew Alan Callahan, James Edward Heiligh, 45 day sentence activated; Michael Paul Camara, 45 day sentence activated, CAAF; Christopher Paul Cecil, 60 day sentence activated, NA, Jeremy A. Clodfelter, two charges, probation terminated successfully; Larry Eugene Corpening, probation terminated unsuccessfully; Barbara Jean Holland, 20 day sentence activated; Tempest E. Hoover, Carmisha S. Mitchell, 45 day sentence activated, NA; Demario L. Jefferies, Sumatra Dionne Smith, David Lee Talbert, probation terminated successfully; Shania Hall Kotarsky, 120 day sentence activated, CAAF a condition of work/early release; Thomas McNair III, 150 day and 120 day sentences activated; Brandon Lee Peacock, continue probation, same terms and conditions; Megan nicole Ray, sentence activated, NA; Glenn Gilbert Sanders, continue under former order, CAAF; Jeffery Scott Usher, 6 month sentence activated, CAAF on condition of early/work release; Dewthay Walker, probation terminated unsatisfactory; David Allen Winebarger, 120 day sentence activated
* Misdemeanor larceny- Brook Leann Bullock, Nalona Manly, PJC/C; Judy Ann Hardin, 45 day sentence activated, CAAF a condition of early/ work release.
* Obtain drivers license by fraud- Brian Donnell Ellis, PJC/C; Donald Gene Ellis Jr., also fictitious drivers license, PJC/C.
* Misdemeanor probation violation out of county- Tina Ann Ford, James M. Fox, 45 day sentence activated, NA; Steven Walter Graham, two 120 day sentences activated, NA; Ray Jackson Lawrence, Teressa Ann Russell, probation terminated unsuccessfully; Sean Ramon Rankin, sentence activated, Rashedia Woodberry, 45 day sentence activated, condition of work/early release
* Motion pray judgement 90/96- April Dawn Hall, 45 days at expiration of earlier sentence, suspended, 18 months probation, same terms and conditions; Quanesha Marie Hudson, continue under former judgement; Tracy W. Shrewsbury, 45 days, suspended 12 months, court costs, SAA.
* Driving while license revoked- Kevin ONeal Harris, 45 days, suspended, 12 months probation, court costs, $200 fine, 24 hours CSW, CAAF.
* Possession of up to 1/2 oz of marijuana- Sarah Marie Hoffner, PJC/C.