District Court Nov. 4
Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 6, 2008
District Court
Abbreviation Key
CAAFóCourt-appointed attorney fee
CSWóCommunity service work
NAóNotice of appeal
SAAóSubstance abuse assessment
Disposition of cases heard Nov. 4 in Rowan District Probation Violations and Worthless Checks Court by Judge William C. Kluttz:
– Simple worthless check ó Winter Adcock, three charges, 30 days, suspended, six months probation, court cost, restitution.
– Misdemeanor probation violation ó Martha Lilian Arbaiza, two charges, two 24-month sentences activated to run consecutively, NA; Charles H. Armstrong, continue on probation 12 months from original date; Vinson Arnette, probation extended one year from original expiration date; Dorsett A. Beasley, three days; Aaron L. Brown, three charges, two 45-day and one 15-day sentences activated to run concurrently; Dadriana Cowan, Mark Edward Rogers, probation terminated; Joshua Adam Dehart, 120-day sentence activated; Matthew J. Dwyer, 10-day sentence activated, credit 10 days served; Cassandra N. Goodjohn, probation extended 12 months, CAAF; Shawn Corbett Grady, Harvey Russell McCorkle, 30-day sentence activated; John O’Bryan Hawkins, two charges, continue under former judgment; Mitchell Elwin Hayer, 15-day sentence activated, credit 15 days served; Brandon Horne, two charges, two 120-day sentences activated to run consecutively; Christina P. Jones, continue on probation six months; Emily A. Lambert, Carmeisha S. Mitchell, Amanda L. Rutemiller, 45-day sentence activated; Matthew Aaron Lee, probation extended six months; Allen Basiy Leonard, 20-day sentence activated; Kelly Absher Parson, 24-month sentence activated, NA; Nakita Le’Chia Price, probation extended 12 months from expiration date; Adarryll Smith, 30-day sentence activated, NA; Richard Smith, 60-day sentence activated, credit 10 days served; Shelia Upright West, continue under former judgment; Andrew Leontae Wood, probation extended six months; John Stringfield, probation terminated unsuccessfully.
– Misdemeanor probation violation out-of-county ó Tracy James Drake Jr., two charges, probation terminated; Melissa Leigh Vanhall, sentence modified to 16 days, credit time served.
– Violation of court order ó Brian Scott Jackson, probation to be terminated when classes completed; Carlos M. Mendez, continue on probation to complete CSW.
– Motion pray judgment 90/96 ó Taylyn Michelle Mullen, 10 days, suspended, six months probation, court cost, SAA.
– Noise ordinance violation ó Jarad Isaac Raynor, 10 days, suspended, six months probation, court cost.