Letters to the editor – Friday (10-17-08)

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 16, 2008

Moving the White House to Alaska?
In his Oct. 7 letter to the editor, J.D. Furr started a rumor that “President” Obama would call out the troops and strip every citizen of his/her firearm(s).
I’m starting another rumor. I understand that when McCain and Palin are elected, they plan to move the capital of the United States to Palin’s hometown in Alaska.
Mr Furr, if you promise to believe my ridiculous rumor, I promise to believe yours.
ó R.G. Burns
America caught in ‘quagmire of deceit’
What have we allowed to happen to America? Our wonderful country, which our founding fathers so carefully formed, is in peril. While the economy is in the forefront, our economic situation pales in comparison to the depths we have sunk morally and ethically. I truly believe most Americans are good, honorable, and ó dare I say ó God-fearing people who care about each other and try to do the right thing.
Why have we permitted a minority of our population to pull our country into a quagmire of deceit, manipulation and social chaos? Oh, yeah. Tolerance. Political correctness. What crap.
Can anyone deny we are headed for ruin if we don’t adjust our priorities? We have pushed God aside, allowed marriage to be redefined and allowed government to become so invasive that the same corrupt politicians partially responsible for the current economic mess are making more and more of our decisions for us.
Socialism is not the answer, folks. “Spreading the wealth around,” as Mr. Obama has stated clearly he wants to do, is a recipe for the decimation of America’s culture. People should be encouraged to do well, not rewarded for bad behavior. Government’s job is not to “take care” of us, only to keep our nation safe and prosecute criminals. Check the Constitution.
In addition, remember the old adage about being judged by the company you keep? Do we really want a president who has as associates a domestic terrorist, hate-spewing ministers, a financial advisor who defrauded Fannie Mae and a lot of trash-producing Hollywood actors? Someone who was an attorney and corporate trainer for the most corrupt “community organizations” known today? It is unconscionable.
The word “right” has multiple meanings, but most relate. Do you really want to be “left”?
Think about it.
ó Julie Blalock
More about Exceptional Child field trips
This letter is to clarify concerns regarding field trips for the Exceptional Children’s program in the Rowan-Salisbury School System.
Off-campus activities have not and will not be terminated. The number of field trips and guidelines for these activities have been reviewed and modified to align with students’ academic progress and to meet the following standards:
1. Educational relevanceStudents with disabilities should participate whenever appropriate with typical, same-age peers on field trips that support the curriculum.
Field trips should reflect the Extended Content Standards and enhance the curriculum competency goals.
2. Community-based instructionActivities off campus should focus on post-secondary outcomes and be reflective of the transition component of the IEP (Individual Education Plan).
Trips should reflect educational and functional activities to help students move toward independence after high school.
3. Swimming program/bowling/Special OlympicsBiweekly swimming sessions will occur October through May concluding with swimming events for Special Olympics.
Weekly bowling sessions will begin in April and conclude with the bowling events for Special Olympics.
Track and field competition for Special Olympics takes place in March.
A districtwide examination of such programs has been completed to bring about standards and guidelines for community outings.
Students will continue to participate in competitive job employment, Special Olympics, the swimming program, bowling activities and grade-level or course-specific field trips as appropriate.
Additional off-campus activities should typically remove students from class an average of three times per nine weeks or 12 times per year.
Community-based instruction should be derived from a shared responsibility between the school, student, family and community as outlined in the transition component of a students’s individual education plan.
Our mission for all Rowan-Salisbury School System students is to provide a quality educational program with a combination of classroom and community based educational experiences.
ó Dr. Crystal Vail
Dr. Vail is the director for the Exceptional Children’s program in the Rowan-Salisbury School System.
Help celebrate Red Ribbon Week
The Rowan County Youth In Action Against Tobacco Council is recognizing Oct. 19-26 as Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week is about encouraging youth to be drug-free and marking the progress we have made.
As a Youth Council, we look for innovative ways to keep kids tobacco free. Students from across the state and here in our local schools who are members of tobacco prevention clubs will host activities at lunch and on their campuses.
The first Red Ribbon Week Celebration was organized in 1986 by parents concerned about the destruction caused by alcohol and drug abuse. The red ribbon was adopted in honor of DEA agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena, who was kidnapped and killed while investigating drug traffickers. The campaign has reached millions of children and has been recognized by Congress.
Red Ribbon Week is a chance to be visible and vocal in our desire for a tobacco and drug free community. So if you see red ribbons at schools or people wearing red ribbons, you’ll understand the meaning behind this important week. If you know someone who wants to quit smoking, North Carolina has a toll free and confidential quit-line for youth and adults a 1-800 QUIT NOW. All our activities are funded by the N.C. Health & Wellness Trust Fund Commission.
ó Lamonte Bell
Endorsement letters
Letters endorsing local candidates in the Nov. 4 election must be received in the Salisbury Post newsroom by 5 p.m. Oct. 27. Please limit endorsements to 150 words.