Letters to the editor – Thursday (10-02-08)
Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 2, 2008
The best solution? oust incumbents
With the economy in turmoil and looking gloomier every day, I encourage the American people to stand up and take notice. I’m sure most already have.
The banking industry is in such grave condition because the federal government let it get this way. That is why the federal government is bailing banks out. It’s to cover up the banking rules the federal government allowed to happen. It’s time to change the federal government and the lawmakers who allowed this to happen.
This being an election year, I really hope that every American citizen will vote. It’s one of the few privileges you have left. It’s time for the citizens of this great nation to take control and make changes.
I encourage all voters to go to the polls. If you recognize a name on the ballot, vote for the other candidate. After all, the incumbent is part of the problem, not the solution.
The promises that the incumbents are making for re-election are the problems they should have addressed during their current term. It won’t get any better until voters make the change.
When a football team keeps losing yardage running the same play with the same people, it’s time to change the play and the people.
Vote ó and not for the incumbents!
ó Tony Morgan
We’ll sleep on it
Why don’t we all take our money and put it under the bed like our grandparents did? Whether we like it or not, we are headed for a one-world currency, and this is just a stepping stone in the process.
ó Tony Evans
Courage under fire
As an independent, I don’t care for extremists of either political party. I’m not excited about either presidential hopeful this year. Sarah has excited the right, and Joe will provide us with some good laughs. I’m not a Hillary fan, but if she were on the ticket, it would at least be four more years of the Clintons.
As a Navy veteran, I have studied military and political history most of my adult life. I spent almost two years during the Vietnam years aboard a Navy ship. I spent 12-hour shifts on deck pulling on ropes and wires in order to send oil and supplies to ships that pulled alongside the oiler on which I served. With awe I watched the Phantom jets land on flights decks of carriers that pulled alongside us for fuel.
One ship that came to mind in 1968 was the USS Forrestal, which had recently arrived from Vietnam after a big fire involving one of our candidates. A former classmate at North Rowan High was stationed on the carrier. He is now my co-worker!
I think it says much about a person who volunteers for combat duty in Vietnam and has the guts to take off into the unknown on one of those Phantom jets. It doesn’t take a fighter to be a good president; the left thinks of him as a warmonger. My decision has been made based on some of those that hate the former POW ó most of Hollywood, the terrorists, most of the media and pacifists throughout the world!
ó Fred Moore Jr.