Letters: Liberal media attacks Palin unfairly
Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 18, 2008
Liberal media unfairly attacks Palin
It has long been known that Cook County (Chicago) is the cesspool of American politics. This is the milieu that gave us Barack Obama.
The left-wing media is in a feeding frenzy trying to trash Gov. Sarah Palin. The greatest population influx in Alaska since the gold rush is the current flood of liberal hacks trying to dig up anything negative on Sarah. The good news is that this inquisition has backfired, increasing Sarah’s support.
Obama is far less qualified than Palin to be president. His entire career is based on agitation and self promotion. Unlike Palin, he has absolutely no executive experience. Being a skilled public haranguer is no substitute.
Will the media attack pack go to Chicago and scrutinize Obama’s colleagues over the past ten years as they are now doing to Palin? Silly question.
There is some comic relief. Obama seems intent on running in opposition to the Republican vice presidential candidate. Apparently this is because he is so pathetic running against his real opponent, John McCain.
ó Joe Roberts
Shame on Novant
Well, “Chuck Elliott didn’t do anything wrong” but Novant certainly did. Chuck has shepherded Rowan Regional Medical Center through a series of improvements and enlargements while working to keep the community-hospital feel valued by the citizens of Salisbury. In addition, both Chuck and his wife Debbie have been valuable assets to our community since moving here in 2002. Yet Novant claims that “the change was necessary to allow Rowan Regional to move in the right direction in the future.”
And what direction might that be? Perhaps becoming a hospital that relates not to the people and community it should serve but only to the bottom financial line of the parent company. Having someone “oversee” both a hospital here and one in Huntersville can only be interpreted as “bottom line”-oriented ó not as patient- or community-oriented. This decision is clearly targeted solely at Novant’s gain; and it is certainly Salisbury’s loss. Novant should be ashamed.
ó Kathleen Dunn
Field trips risky
An activity bus full of kids passes. He quickly finds a place to turn around. He follows. He pulls into the parking lot and fumbles about in his trunk ó watching. He assesses the situation. No male adults. Perfect! He makes his way inside, ahead of the students. He quickly finds the restroom. He enters a stall and waits patiently for his opportunity.
Not sure if this could happen? Pedophiles don’t need to follow a school bus or check teacher online calendars for find their next victims. They live among us and frequent the places we often let our guard down. Only convicted offenders are listed on Web sites; there are so many more undetected pedophiles living in our communities, shopping in our stores, sitting in our parks, reading in our libraries, walking on our streets ó just waiting for their next “opportunity.”
Don’t believe what you’re reading? Check it out with your local police department or sheriff’s office. Do some investigating online.
Not sure if your school is doing enough to protect your kids on field trips? Ask them. Is a head count every 30 minutes enough? How valuable is your child’s safety? Is your child being protected like a rare gemstone would be? Again, how precious is your child?
When a field trip permission slip comes home, do your child a favor and analyze the potential risks vs. the educational value of the trip before signing. We owe our children at least that much.
And, the next time you’re at your child’s school, before heading to the office to check in, check to see how many exterior doors are unlocked. If you can get in, so can a criminal.
Do we blindly conclude that “those horrible things” can’t happen here? We don’t live in Mayberry anymore, so we need to stop behaving like we do!
ó Dawn & Russell Miller