Letters to the editor – Wednesday (8-20-08)

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Free training program can help prevent child abuse
It is with relief that I read that the person who attacked an 8-year-old boy at Wal-Mart is now in jail. However, I am compelled to remind our community that an estimated 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be victims of sexual abuse before their 18th birthday.
That is why Prevent Child Abuse Rowan is offering Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children program. Stewards of Children is a research-based sexual abuse prevention program. Stewards of Children educates adults to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to the epidemic of child sexual abuse. If you are interested in sponsoring a free training for your church, workplace, civic group, neighborhood group or other group, please call Prevent Child Abuse Rowan at 704-639-1700.
Together we can prevent this tragedy by educating ourselves and developing a strategy to protect our children!
ó Carol O. Dunlap
Carol Dunlap is the executive director of Prevent Child Abuse Rowan.
Vets ready to fight for Dole
We need your help!
For the past couple of weeks, there have been campaign ads on TV that have been insulting to veterans, their families and friends. The ads talk about the years Sen. Elizabeth Dole has been in Washington and has gotten nothing done. How can anything that gets done show up on the news with the mess that’s been going on for the last decade?
Ask a veteran about the changes that Senator Dole has helped accomplish at our VA hospitals.
I’m a veteran. In the past, I tried to get help for my brother and father-in-law, and what they had to go through was disgraceful. I couldn’t believe what they were being put through after serving their country.
About three years ago, I suffered a life-changing experience. Now I suffer from post-traumatic-stress disorder because of my Vietnam tours. I started seeking help from the VA in Salisbury. On my first visit, I really thought someone had called ahead and asked for special privileges for me. I was treated like I was special. When I talked with other veterans and some staff members, they gave the credit to Senator Dole’s involvement with veterans issues in North Carolina. You would be amazed at the difference.
Yes, it may not look like Senator Dole is getting much done with gas prices, foreclosures, the high costs of food and school supplies. But when there’s something Senator Dole can do for us locally, she gets it done! And that’s what’s important in these trying times.
ó Tony Hill