District Court Aug. 4

Published 12:00 am Friday, August 8, 2008

District Court
Abbreviation Key
CAAFóCourt-appointed attorney fee
CSWóCommunity service work
DCóDismissed by the court
DDóDismissal without leave after deferred prosecution
JAóJudgment arrested
NAóNotice of appeal
PJC/CóPrayer for judgment continued/court costs
SAAóSubstance abuse assessment
VDóDismissal without leave by district attorney
Disposition of cases heard Aug. 4 in Rowan District Criminal Court by Judge Charlie Brown:
– Speeding ó Tiffany Wagner Austin, John Wesley Boyd Jr., Donalene H. Coker, Carla Ashley Coley, Stephani Dawn Hall, Jessica I. Thomason, PJC/C; Charles Doyle, Nathaniel D. Jackson, Catharine E. McElveen, Pablo Santiago, George Allen Stanley, Nancy Laws Swaim, $15 fine, court cost; Kenyon Deion Houston, $10 fine, court cost, also driving left of center, VD; Ronald Keith Moreland, $15 fine, court cost, also improper speedometer, VD.
– Driving while impaired ó George Deric Cohen, 12 months, suspended, three years probation, special probation of 10 days in jail, $1,000 fine, court cost, 72 hours CSW, SAA, also driving while license revoked, VD, also unsafe movement, RS; Herbert Bennett Gray, six months, credit 52 days served, DART recommended, also driving left of center, RS; Mickey Joseph Miller, 24 months, suspended, three years probation, special probation of 30 days in jail, credit 17 days served, $2,000 fine, court cost, 72 hours CSW, also driving while license revoked, JA; Barbara Leigh Rogers, 12 months, suspended, three years probation, special probation of 10 days in jail, credit for inpatient treatment, $1,000 fine, court cost, 72 hours CSW, SAA.
– Misdemeanor probation violation ó Timothy Edward Bailey, probation terminated unsuccessfully; Sonya Heffner Cooper, 20-day sentence activated; Kiwanis Demarcus Glenn, 15-day sentence activated, NA; Dominique P. Jefferies, continue on probation; Abdul Leonard, 30-day sentence activated; Kapetra Monique Simpson, 120 days, NA; Kelly Owen Smith, transfer to unsupervised probation upon completion of CSW; Edward Charles Temple, six-month sentence activated, credit 37 days served; Joanie Ann Wiles, probation extended six months, 24 hours CSW.
– Possession of drug paraphernalia ó Jessica Marie Corum, also resisting public officer, 120 days, credit 10 days served, also soliciting for prostitution, 10 days at expiration of first sentence, also littering not more than 15 pounds, VD.
– Misdemeanor larceny ó Robin Snider Earnhardt, PJC/C; Susan Annette Parrish (also known as Susan Annette Rakes), also two charges resisting public officer, 90 days, CAAF if work release, also possession of up to a ounce of marijuana, VD.
– Failure to reduce speed ó Meghan Mills Ellis, also failure to notify Department of Motor Vehicles of address change, VD.
– Failure to dim lights when meeting vehicle ó Gerald Wayne Eriksen, court cost.
– Exceeding safe speed ó Florence M. Farricker, $35 fine, court cost, also unsafe movement, PJC/C; Krystal Dianne Kelly, $35 fine, court cost; Wayne Spry Overman Jr., $250 fine, court cost, also failure to notify Department of Motor Vehicles of address change, VD.
– Possession of malt beverage/ unfortified wine by person not 19/20 ó Mikala House-Abraham (also known as Mikala Noel Abraham), 45 days, suspended 12 months, court cost, 24 hours CSW, also possessing open container/consuming alcohol in passenger area, VD, also possession of up to a ounce of marijuana, VD.
– Improper equipment ó Johnny Lee Hudson, $50 fine, court cost.
– No operator’s license ó Ferrell Allen James, also expired registration card/tag, VD.
– Assault on a female ó David Winston Joyner, PJC/C, CAAF, not contact or assault victim; Darrell K. Livengood, DC.
– Careless and reckless driving ó Nicholas Joyner, $50 fine, court cost.
– Breaking or entering ó William W. Lovelace, 120 days, suspended, 18 months probation, special probation of 48 hours in jail, credit time served, $50 fine, court cost, 24 hours CSW, no contact with victim.
– Failure to notify Department of Motor Vehicles of address change ó Bobby Linn Lambeth, Daniel R. Matthews, $50 fine, court cost.
– Misdemeanor probation violation out-of-county ó Earl McCraven, 120-day sentence activated, credit 30 days served.
– Motion to pray judgment/DD ó Alizabeth Wedeh Wah, 45 days, suspended, 12 months probation, $50 fine, court cost, CAAF, 24 hours CSW.
– Driving while license revoked ó Jason William Watts, VD.
– Possessing/displaying fictitious registration ó Michael Ellis White, also driving/allowing motor vehicle with no registration to be driven, 60 days, suspended, 12 months probation, $50 fine, court cost, CAAF, 24 hours CSW, transfer to Cabarrus County, also expired/no inspection sticker, VD.