People and places
Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 3, 2008
The American Legion Jr. Auxiliary, Miller-Russell Unit 112 in Rockwell recently named the following Poppy pageant winners:
Taylor Starnes, Little Miss Poppy, is a rising sixth grader at Erwin Middle School. She is the daughter of Scott and Gina Starnes of Salisbury.
Kalya Busbin, Miss Poppy, is a rising freshman at East Rowan High School. She is the daughter of Johnny and Phyllis Busbin of Salisbury.
Pre-Teen America
Josie Vermillion, daughter of Joe and Kathy Vermillion of Salisbury, has been selected as a finalist in the Pre-Teen North Carolina Academic and Enrichment Program to be held Aug. 8 at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel in Durham.
Pre-Teen North Carolina is by-invitation only Academic and Enrichment event involving young ladies 7 to 12 years of age based on their school academic records, awards and honors won and/or their participation in outside activities. Additionally, young ladies are invited who have been recognized publicly for their outstanding personal achievements, volunteer services, school involvement, leadership abilities or creative talents.
State Finalists will be evaluated on academic achievement, volunteer service to community, school honors and activities, developmental of personal skills and abilities. general knowledge assessment, communicative ability, and on-stage acknowledgment of accomplishments.
Pre- Teen North Carolina will award more than $5,000 in educational savings bonds, prizes, and awards.
Josie is very grateful to her sponsors who have enabled her to attend this very prestigious state event.
Faith Legion officers
The Faith American Legion Post 327 recently installed the 2008-2009 officers at ceremonies held at the Faith Legion building.
Marcelle Williams conducted the installation. New officers are: Post commander- L.D. Watkins; first vice commander-Gary Gardner; second vice commander-Charles A. Robinson; adjutant-the Rev. Mark Williams; finance officer-Ron Hatley; chaplains- Lyman Hoover, Bill Johnson and the Rev. Mark Williams; service officers-Greg Peeler and Tom Jones.Holden baptism
Madison Grace Holden, born Jan. 18, 2008, daughter of Joe and Mandy Cozart Holden, was baptized Sunday, March 2, 2008, at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Mooresville. The Rev. Johnny Cozart, the infant’s grandfather, conducted the service.
Madison wore a family heirloom gold baby ring and christening gown. The gown was handmade in 1949 by the late Ruth L. Bernhardt, great-grandmother of the infant, and worn by her grandmother and mother. She is the 15th infant in three generations of the Bernhardt family to wear the gown at a baptism.
Special guests and family attending included grandmothers Belinda B. Cozart and Erolyn Holden; great-grandfathers Howard P. Bernhardt and Clay Cozart; aunts and uncles: Mr. and Mrs. Jason Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Brad Cozart, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bernhardt, Mr. and Mrs. Carson Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Casey Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Austin, Sherri Schulze, Mr. and Mrs. DarrellHolden; cousins: Jenna and Sarah Fisher and Elleson Cozart.
Also attending: Jennifer Bernhardt, Lee Alderidge, Lauren Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Brad Boardman and big brother Patrick Holden.
The group enjoyed lunch following the service in the Family Life Center.
Rowan Rotary
photo- Thomas Morgan.Thomas Morgan was the 2007-2008 Rowan Rotary club president. During his term, Thomas was given the Distinguished Rotarian award and the Paul Harris Fellow award. The Paul Harris Fellow award is the highest honor a Rotarian can be given.
Gary Morgan has been inducted as new club president for the 2008-2009 year.
Rowan Rotary meets at 7 a.m. every Thursday at the Holiday Inn.
Post 3006
Veterans of Foreign Wars, Hudson-Miller-Tatum Post 3006, has elected the following officers for 2008-2009:
Gary Foster, commander; John Troutman, senior vice commander; Kenny Safrit, junior vice commander; Tony Ward, quartermaster; David Smith, adjutant; Eddie Johnson, chaplain; Buddy Kyles, surgeon; and trustees: Charlie Swink, Narvie Bonds and Roy Morris.The post’s Ladies Auxiliary has elected the following officers for 2008-2009:
Barbara Webb, president; Lynn Coughenhour, senior vice president; Mary Hall, junior vice president; Ruby Kluttz, treasurer; Mary Barnhardt, chaplain; Vivian Mulkey, conductress; Amanda Tomaine, guard; Bertha Harrison, secretary; Susan Safrit, patriotic instructor.
The trustees are: Shirley Kyles, three-year; Nellie Troxell, two-year; Betty Applegate, one-year.
Senior Tar Heels
Jerry Shelby and Larry Cordts represented Rowan County at the NC Senior Tar Heel Legislature meeting June 10 and 11 in Raleigh.
Of special interest to the delegates were issues related to elder abuse. delegates were encouraged to contact Senators Dole and Burr to reject the bill that will reduce Medicare payments by 10% to doctors effective July 1, and the current budget session of the NC House and Senate that lacks some funding for some of the key senior support functions for 2008 and 2009.
Speakers at the meeting included:
Dennis Street, Director for NC Division of Aging and Adult Services and Nancy Warren, Adult Services Program Manager.
The Delegates met in their assigned issues committees to finalize and prioritize the top three Resolutions from each of the six issues committees. The top five Resolutions will be voted on at the October NCSTHL meeting and present to the Governor and General Assembly to consider funding or make into law.
Delegate Shelby submitted 10 Resolutions to the NCSTHL including: Victims Rights and Assistance, Funding For Senior Centers, Judicial Reform, 24/7 Community Health Clinics, Prescription Drug Assistance for Low Income Persons, Increase Funding For Home and Community Block Grant, Auto Insurance Discounts to Seniors Taking a Driver Safety Course, Protect Driver License Changes For Older Drivers, Expand the Aging and Disability Resource Connection Program, and the State Assumption of Medicaid Costs From Counties . Four of the Resolutions were selected as the committees top priority and two were assigned to a study commission for possible consideration at the October meeting.
At the end of the session the delegates visited the legislature to advocate the issues of interest to their community, county and the state.
Silver Queen Strollers
The Silver Queen Strollers of the Miller Center Red Hat Society enjoyed a day at the Salisbury Mall on June 24 which included shopping at Bon Worth and lunch at Chick-fil-a, with a meeting and social time afterwards.
Evelyn Clayborn is queen mother.