Letters to the editor – Tuesday (5-6-08)
Published 12:00 am Monday, May 5, 2008
Some drivers don’t realize bridge closedThis is in regard to the bridge closed on Woodleaf Road coming from Salisbury. Several people from Woodleaf, including me, have called the DOT in Salisbury to ask if they would put a warning sign at the intersection of N.C. 801 and Parks Road and also at the other end of Woodleaf Road and U.S. 601. We were told that the state wasn’t required to put a sign any closer than 1,500 feet from the bridge. Well, we didn’t think about it being a requirement to put up a sign. With current gas prices, we thought that officials might consider it out of common decency and respect for the folks coming to and from Salisbury.
We are such creatures of habit. We know that the bridge is out (at least the ones driving from this end of Woodleaf Road do), but we just go barreling down the road, not thinking, until it is too late and we have to turn around and start over.
So, if you are coming to Wetmore Farms in Woodleaf to puchase strawberries etc., beware ó the bridge is out!
You will have to come up U.S. 70 to N.C. 801 or Parks Road into Woodleaf, or take U.S. 601 up Potneck Road into Woodleaf. Sorry for any confusion this might cause any of our faithful customers from Salisbury etc. who normally use Woodleaf Road.
ó Julia Wetmore
Alderman out of line
I would like to thank Jessie Burchette for her article exposing the embarrassing behavior of Alderman Allen Welter at a recent budget session in China Grove. He displayed strenuous and loud objections (her words) to gravelling a parking lot at the Little League field.
Having worked with the baseball programs for 30-plus years, I can’t remember ever seeing Alderman Welter at the field or participating in the numerous workdays we have had over the years. Is Mr. Welter so obsessed with money that he is willing to sacrifice the lives of our children, parents, and grandparents for a few dollars? I invite Alderman Welter to the field any night to witness the sight of a young player getting his first hit or the pride on a grandmother’s face watching her grandchild hit his first home run. Then, tell them they are “a waste of money.”
An April 8 article stated that there was $1.8 million in the general fund balance. I can’t believe that a parking lot would bankrupt the town. Also, why does the fire department have a hole that needs to be repaired? I would have thought that this issue would have been addressed long before now. Alderman Welter’s demeanor in regard to Alderman Lee Withers and Mayor Don Bringle was unbelievable. He showed no decorum or respect for a fellow alderman and town official.
I am one of the China Grove citizens that Alderman Welter is supposed to be serving. If this is an example of his irrational and erratic behavior, I question his effectiveness as an alderman.
ó Tamara Solomon
China Grove
Paid to campaign?
Do we need senators? The presidential candidates are senators, but they spend months on the road campaigning.
Do the taxpayers pay their salaries while they are traveling for politics? They collect millions (in donations), and I am curious to know if they get paid as senators during this time.
ó Cecil Phelps
Editor’s note: Members of Congress continue to receive their salaries (approximately $169,300 per year) while campaigning.
Big oil, big trouble
Hitler wanted to take over the entire world. Well, Hitler can take a back seat; the big oil dogs are ruling the entire world, and because of high oil prices, they are going to shut down the world.
They can’t be happy making a little money; they’ve got to take it all. They have all these silly excuses as to why oil is so high. The real reason is greed. They want it all, at whoever’s cost. You just about have to take out a bank loan to afford to live.
It’s all about money. They say we live in a free world, but it seems more like a communist country to me. We are not free. We always have somebody taking away our freedom and our rights.
Because of their greed, the big, rich oil dogs are going to cause a big bunch of trouble that they will wish had never happened. When nobody can afford to buy gas ó and we’re just about there now ó the oil companies can sit back on all that money they stole from the people. You know, they put people in jail for being crooks.
ó Thomas Vanderburg