Letters to the editor – Monday (4-28-08)

Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 27, 2008

Volunteer efforts make difference
I never was into politics, but this year all that changed when I heard Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton go at it one night during a debate. It was so intense and the issues they discussed affected me personally. I became excited when I realized that although I couldn’t vote, I could root for somebody. That night, I decided to support Barack Obama.
My enthusiasm led me to help with the Obama campaign by being apart of his grassroots network. These grassroots efforts bring common people together of various religions, ages and races for a united cause. I started attending Monday meetings held at the library headquarters that Rowan for Obama hosted. There, we were encouraged to volunteer to register voters and share Obama’s vision for America. I learned at these meetings that small things like registering voters, going door to door and phone banking can make a big difference.
After attending these meetings, I was pumped up about Obama and his campaign. I then decided to help the Rowan for Obama organization register students at my high school. My mom and I stayed up till 2 a.m. making posters to put up in my school’s cafeteria. We ended up registering over 60 young adults, and that felt awesome. I had helped Obama take another step toward the Oval Office.
As this country’s future generation, I want a leader who will pave the way for my future. I can’t wait to see what the outcome of the 2008 presidential race will be.
Hopefully, when it’s my turn to vote for the next president of the United States, Barack Obama will be running for a second term.
ó Desere’ Cross
Time to turn the page in politics
Both Senator Obama and Senator Clinton have pledged to bring our soldiers home from Iraq, provide health insurance for every American, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050. Either candidate is preferable to Senator McCain. He’s promised to keep American soldiers in Iraq 100 years if necessary, and is not committed to universal health coverage. His plan to combat global warming has already been rendered obsolete by new and alarming scientific data.
So how should Democrats and unaffiliated voters choose between two strong Democratic candidates running for president? A number of factors make Senator Obama the better choice. Unlike Senator Clinton, he opposed the Iraq War from the start. Neither candidate has experience serving as commander-in-chief, but in the runup to the disastrous war in Iraq, Senator Obama showed better judgment.
Voter registration has surged in North Carolina this year, with newly registered Democrats vastly outnumbering Republicans. Many of these new voters are getting involved in order to vote for Senator Obama. These new voters must remain involved in order to put North Carolina in play in the race for the White House, and for Democrats in other races to compete. They’re far more likely to remain involved if Senator Obama is at the top of the ticket.
Politics has always been a contact sport, but in the last two decades, the spirit of bi-partisanship seems to have evaporated completely. Like it or not, Senator Clinton is deeply implicated in this sad story. We need to turn the page on recent history. In a democracy of 300 million people, we need not limit ourselves to choosing between one of two households to occupy the White House.
Reasonable people can disagree, but I think that a vote for Senator Obama makes the most sense.
ó Marvin Lindsay
Character issues raise doubts
It saddens me to think that a person who has little or no love of this nation could be elected to the Senate and then run for president. It is unthinkable that any informed person could hate the United States of America, a nation, in spite of its shortcomings, that provides more freedom and opportunity for all people to succeed, regardless of national origin, ethnic, racial or religious background or gender than any nation on the face of the Earth.
If you are looking for something or someone to hate, you can always find it or them.
For a person to have lived 40 or more years and is now the wife of a presidential candidate and has only very recently found something to be proud of in this nation, that says a lot about how one perceives greatness and values the sacrifices that many have made on behalf of all of us. To me, this clearly points to one’s character and one’s inability to come to grips with reality. Do we really want people like this leading our nation?
The vast majority of white U.S. citizens have no ancestors who bought, owned or sold slaves. Most oppose slavery of all types in any part of the world. So don’t talk about slavery as if it was, or is, typical of white America.
A question for all those who hate this nation: Even with all the inequalities that once existed, is there any other form of government or nation on this Earth that provides greater opportunities for African-Americans or any other group to achieve whatever goal their natural abilities, education, motivation and responsible lifestyle allows? If the answer is “no,” quit complaining and get to work. If “yes,” do yourself a favor and go there.
ó John Burns
Who paid the bill for Raleigh trip?
Now that the Good Neighbors of Rowan County group has agreed to pay the lawyers’ fees in the annexation attempt, that means that no taxpayer funds will have been expended on our side of this fight. Can the same be said on the City Council side?
Well, the City Council did spend nearly $72,000, and much more if you include the staff time that they refused to reveal, but let’s look further. When we county citizens went to Raleigh on April 9 to appear before the House Select Committee on Municipal Annexation, we traveled at our own expense. City Manager David Treme and Joe Morris also went to Raleigh to speak in favor of the oppressive annexation law. Did they travel at their own expense? The taxpayers in the city have a right to know.
When we forced-annexation opponents travel to Raleigh on June 4 for the our Rally Against Forced Annexation, we will again travel at our own expense. On that same day, the N.C. League of Municipalities will be having its Town Hall Day. Undoubtedly, many city officials from Salisbury will be attending to support the NCLM as they lobby the legislators. City officials, you will be traveling at your own expense, won’t you? The city taxpayers have a right to know. You will tell them, won’t you? Or will the NCLM pay your way to Raleigh with taxpayer funds that they receive as dues from N.C. cities? City funds, NCLM funds or your own funds? You will tell us who paid for your trip, won’t you?
ó Larry Wright
A strong choice for commission
Since those early years in high school, Donna Peeler has been active in the Republican Party, holding office from our local Republican Party to the national Republican Women’s Club. She understands protocol, policy and procedure from all levels of government.
Donna is the strong, well-informed individual others often go to for direction. Her many years in management with the business world and her educational background strengthen her know-how in making sound decisions for our county. Donna understands our need for education and wants to see jobs available in Rowan County. Donna is well informed and on top of all issues, making her a strong choice for Rowan County Commissioner. Donna is my choice.
Vote Donna Peeler for Rowan County Commissioner on May 6.
ó Jamie Kimmer
This candidate has right virtuesI can appreciate the connection a Rowan County native who has lived his entire life here has with other county natives and residents. This is one of many things that make Von Coolidge Poston an exceptional candidate for commissioner. He has experienced the growth. He has a love and appreciation for the land.
He has a warm heart and a connection with the people of Rowan. He has been a Salisbury business owner for nearly 11 years. He has a way of charming a crowd and capturing an audience.
These are qualities the next commissioner needs, a warm heart, honesty, knowledge of the county and charisma to build relationships and connections to get things done. His focus has been to address the issues and create change. He focuses on what people are saying.
He would add diversity that the board needs to even out political decisions. It’s important to listen, and he does.
ó Michelle Miller
Campaign letters
Letters endorsing local candidates in the May 6 primary should be limited to 150 words and must be received in the Salisbury Post newsroom by 5 p.m. Wednesday.