Reducing adjunct staff the wrong solution

Published 12:00 am Monday, August 13, 2007

Reducing adjunct staff is the wrong solution
Our community college is on the front page again. It is a great asset to our community, and it is a shame the space was not directed at some of the good news that happens there every day, instead of what we got from the “senior” vice president.
Part-time faculty is a key component of a community college. Unfortunately, they bear the brunt of enrollment variation. Usually, they do not know if they have a job until just before classes begin. This has little impact on students unless (as at RCCC) reductions in adjunct faculty result in increased loads on full-time faculty. Then it becomes a real problem.
Reducing adjunct staff is a knee-jerk reaction to reduced revenue. Another easy out is to reduce supplies and staff (faculty) development.
Both directly impact the quality of instruction. How sad that they are the responses chosen by the senior vice president. A competent administrator would turn to responses that do not detract from the instructional mission and that would lead to long-range amelioration of the problem.
Do you think it occurred to the senior vice president that it might be wiser to eliminate a few junior vice presidents and/or deans, along with their retinue of assistant deans, secretaries and other staff used to feed the “administrivia” mill?
In a long career as a community college administrator, I became involved with the administration of many of them. Never have I seen a college with even half as many administrators as RCCC. Universities operate with fewer high level administrators. Eliminating just two of these excess administrators would permit the retention of all adjunct faculty. Eliminating all of them that should go would provide a plethora of new instructional equipment, classroom supplies, and staff development funds. Not to mention increasing the efficiency of college operation.
ó Joe Roberts
Legion ball can’t be beat,
but could be improved
I’m not writing this to offend anyone but, most importantly, to congratulate this year’s Rowan County American Legion team! Having spent the past 42 summers (minus U.S. Navy service from 1967-71) at Newman Park and 30 years as a player and coach of amateur baseball teams in Rowan, I think I am qualified to make some observations.
First, bring back wood bats for all American Legion and college baseball teams. Wood bats are more expensive, but are safer, sound better than the “ping” sound and will better prepare players for the pros, eliminating inflated aluminum bat hitting averages.
Second, have set rules for American Legion baseball nationwide and stick to these rules. No more “coin toss” mentality or last-minute residency reports from “Will Clark” or others! I also feel that any veteran older than 75 showing proof of his or her veteran status should be admitted free at all Legion games. I’ve seen veterans as old as 85 charged admission to the playoffs.
Third, so many fans have complained the past few years of the Rowan dynasty and mystique disappearing. The reasons are obvious. Many of Rowan’s best players have attended college very close by and NCAA rules forbid them from playing for their American Legion coach. One solution is lowering the maximum playing age to 18. During the “dynasty” years, players like Brian Boltz, David Trexler, Travis Goins, Keith Knight, Russell Holshouser, Mike Morris and many others still played after finishing a year of college ball. That extra year means a lot. Look at last year’s Kannapolis team as a good example.
Finally, no matter what, Rowan County American Legion baseball, its fans, the finely manicured gem of a diamond provided by Jim Gantt, the old-time atmosphere and the “pinky” dogs cannot be beat.
ó Fred Moore Jr.
To protect America, keep the fighting on foreign soilTo all those that think the war in Iraq should end: I think you should think about the fallout if we leave. While war is never a good thing, it is something that in history is unavoidable at times. I personally don’t want America to have to experience another 9/11. I truly believe that if we leave Iraq, the war will move to our soil. Hey, maybe Jan McCanless (Aug. 10 letter) would like to host the next terrorist act at her house.
The state of North Carolina should repair these bridges. Our roads are our problem, and trying to blame their condition on the White House is stupid.What about using the gas tax, since North Carolina has had one of the highest since the 1970s? Better yet, Ms. McCanless, send some of your money to the DOT and help!
I like the fact that as of today, we’ve had no further attacks on America. Wonder why?
ó Kevin Womble
Time for a crackdown on interstate speedersWe all know that we are to expect delays on the highway, and we all have heard the news to pay more attention, but my question is this. I travel I-85 every day to and from work in the hot spots of (exits) 76 to 81, and every day, there is someone right on my bumper trying to get me to speed up. Where are the Salisbury police or the state troopers? We desperately need them to make an appearance on the highway before someone gets hurt due to tailgaters. Those of us who are obeying the posted speed limit are getting run over. Slow down, speeders! We have enough tragic headlines!
ó Melisa Toney