Free book has information about access for disabled
Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 2, 2007
Free book has information about access for disabled
Regarding the Aug. 1 letter from Jennifer Doering “A frustrating trip”:
I was sorry to hear of your recent trip to Gold Hill and not being able to get around. I know this can be very frustrating. I wanted to let you know about a book put out by the state of North Carolina that you and other people in a similar situation could find very helpful. You may want to order one and best of all it is free. It is called “Access North Carolina.” It was developed with the special needs of visitors with disabilities in mind and through symbols and ratings simplifies accessibility information for all visitors with disabilities, emphasizing what can be done rather than what cannot be done.
To the best of my knowledge, it was the first travel guide done by any state and has data about the accessibility of every attraction located in North Carolina. You may receive your free copy from the Division of Travel and Tourism, Department of Economic and Community Development, Raleigh, N.C. The phone number to call and request your copy is 800-847-4862 or 919-733-4171.
I hope this information will help you and others to have a more pleasant experience in your travels. Good luck and God bless.
ó Sandy S. Pardue
Mandatory pet sterilization
Shelter populations are not reflective of overall dog populations. It does not make sense to treat all dog populations as if they are equally at risk for becoming a shelter statistic. The majority of shelter animals were owned at one time, and their owners either chose or were forced to end that ownership. Mandating spay/neuter and attempting to end the breeding of wanted dogs will not make typical shelter dogs more desirable. It does not address the main reason for existing shelter populations, which is that the animals’ owners no longer wanted them.
It has been an animal rightist priority for years to group breeders and puppy mills together, urging that the public only adopt until shelters are empty. We could spay/neuter nearly 100 percent of the animals and still euthanize dogs and cats in shelters if owner education and retention issues are not addressed. Yet aggressive anti-breeding legislation is still advocated by radical groups intent on eliminating breeders.
In the nanny state of California, Assemblyman Lloyd Levine introduced AB1634, a mandatory spay/neuter bill supported by most major animal rights groups. AB1634 was opposed by national dog and cat associations, law enforcement and search and rescue associations, California Cattlemen, California Farm Bureau, California Outdoor Heritage Alliance, NRA, hundreds of veterinarians, and tens of thousands of California citizens. Facing Senate Committee defeat, Levine pulled AB1634.
Forced pet sterilization does not translate into fewer shelter animals. It is an ineffective system that has failed over and over again.
ó Susan Wolf