Individual’s weakness isn’t reason to judge group

Published 12:00 am Monday, July 30, 2007

Individual’s weakness isn’t reason to judge a group
Although most in our community are saddened and shocked by the accusations against the Rev. Coy Privette, perhaps his situation may eventually produce some positive results. His unfortunate circumstances may remind many of us about numerous other episodes of prominent conservative religious leaders who succumbed to temptation
The Reverend Privette’s situation serves to remind us that we shouldn’t judge the beliefs or actions of a group because of the private behavior of the group’s leaders or its members. I’ve read that Adolph Hitler was a vegetarian and loved playing with children and animals, but these facts shouldn’t endear most Americans to Nazism. I’ve also heard that Mother Theresa could be short-tempered, but that shouldn’t detract from our respect for her humanitarianism. We all have a public and a private side.
This sad occasion could also serve to unify people of faith across the spectrum. I’m praying if I forgive Reverend Privette, other preachers of his stripe will cease condemning the toleration and inclusion of mainstream Christians as heretical. Do I hear an “amen”?
ó Mike Shinn
No challenge this time
My husband and I have also had “interesting” experiences with the Rowan County Board of Equalization and Review. During the 2003 revaluation, we requested a meeting with the board. We sent in documentation concerning like, neighboring properties, including selling prices. Same square footage, better waterfront, lower prices. We went to our meeting with the board and upon leaving were told that they could not find the information we had submitted. Interesting that we went through the whole meeting, and no one said they could not locate the information we hd sent in until we were leaving and the meeting was finished. We were shocked but felt we had made our point. Imagine our surprise when we got our new assessment and found that it had increased!
Needless to say, we did not contest the assessment this time. We can’t afford to have them raise it because we complained.
ó Nancy T. Andrews
Get ready to jam again
Due to the large number of positive responses and continued interest, the Music Education Committee is planning another youth musicians’ jam session in August. Individual students and all school band members are invited to bring their own instruments and voices to participate. Musician mentors are also encouraged to attend the sessions and provide inspiration for the youth.
Thank you, Salisbury Post, for your recent coverage of the youth music jam session held July 14 at the Miller Center. The Rowan Blues and Jazz Society (RBJS) also would like to thank the Blanche and Julian Robertson Family Foundation, the Salisbury/Rowan Association of Realtors for their financial support and the facilitator, Charles Owens. The generous help from the Salisbury Parks and Recreation Department and the Miller Recreation Center staff made this project a success. The participants demonstrated the need for more of these sessions.
The theme of the next session will be jazz music plus, featuring another noted jazz music facilitator. RBJS program information is available at 704-636-3277 or 704-636-2811.
ó Eleanor Qadirah
Eleanor Qadirah is president of the Board of Directors of the Rowan Blues and Jazz Society