Published 12:00 am Friday, July 13, 2007
The nature of reality
takes a quantum leap
A hundred years ago, physics, the most exact of sciences, made us think that reality is material. Now, however, this is not the case.
Particle physics, quantum mechanics, says that reality is mental and can only be understood by mental constructs, mathematical equations. As Michael Redhead, the British theoretical physicist, put in plain words, “there’s some pretty queer fish in the sub-atomic pool.” Quantum mechanics leaves room for chance.
Einstein’s grand dream of a final theory of harmony and unity remains hypothetical.
So, what does modern physics tell us? It not only gives scientific support to the idea or doctrine of free will but also allows for divine intervention.
Check out the historic 1927 Solvay conference on physics in Brussels, Belgium, for arguments for and against quantum theory. Einstein was there and argued that “fuzzy probability could not be nature’s or God’s way of running things.” The exponents of the new physics replied, “It is not our business to prescribe to God how He should run the world.”
So now we are back to Greek science, Aristotle’s concept of potential.
Quantum mechanics equals both mechanical fate and potentiality.
ó R.D. Earnhardt
Writer distorted
free-speech threat
In response to Michael Rymer’s July 13 letter regarding laws about hate speech and homosexuality:
Mr. Rymer correctly cited the incident in which a Swedish Minister was convicted for “hate speech” in Sweden for condemning homosexuality in a sermon. What he did not mention was that this conviction was overturned by the Swedish Supreme Court. The court cited that religious freedom was also to be respected and cited the precedent of the European Union of protecting “offensive” speech, including that which is delivered within a religious context.
On his concern of a supposed law in Canada that would be similar to the one in Sweden that led to the minister’s arrest, the Canadian law does nothing of the kind. The law states that it is unlawful to incite violence against certain minority groups, not merely to speak out against them. Therefore, to condemn homosexuality from the pulpit is not illegal. In fact, there seems to be some interesting qualifiers that allow religious freedom to protect further what ministers can say.
Whatever one’s opinion is about homosexuality and gay rights, it is not necessary to cite “bogeyman stories” to alarm people and thus influence them about this controversial issue.
ó Tim Truemper
Scare tactics twist
hate-crime measure
I am very dismayed when folks like Michael Rymer mischaracterize legislation like the proposed Matthew Shephard hate crime bill (S 1105). This bill would not cause people to be arrested for speaking out against homosexuality.
Rymer seems to forget that, unlike Sweden and Canada, free speech in the United States is protected by the first amendment. There are currently 32 states that have hate crime laws similar to the proposed federal Matthew Shephard Act, and there has been no attack on free speech that Rymer fears in these states. So the fact that a preacher was arrested in Sweden for speaking against homosexuality has no bearing on any proposed law in the United States.
If Rymer or anyone else can tell us about an instance when a hate crime law was used to inhibit someone’s free speech in the United States, I encourage them to let us know about it.
I wish people like Rymer would stop using scare tactics. S 1105 is designed to protect people from crimes committed against them based on their sexual orientation, not take away people’s right to free speech.
ó Mark Wilson
Planet Earth may face
a hot, dry future
People say global warming is caused by this, that or other reasons. One major cause of global warming is the stupidity of the human race and its continued process of trying to cut down every tree in the world.
When they get all of the trees cut down to build those new, fancy expensive houses and more new malls, there will be nothing left to shade the Earth from the hot sun. Also, trees help to produce oxygen for people to breathe.
Here’s some thought for the future. Without trees to produce oxygen and shade, the Earth will burn up. People will die from lack of oxygen.
The sun will dry up our water supplies, leaving possibly no water for people to drink. People’s skin will be burned to a crisp from the sun’s hot rays.
When all of the people on Earth die from lack of oxygen, water and shade from the sun, there will be no one to live in the houses or shop in the malls.
Instead of all those millionaires and billionaires putting their money into more construction projects or buying more properties for tax write-offs, why don’t they use their money more wisely by trying to help the poor people to have sufficient housing and food?
Of course, they can’t do that because they are too busy being greedy and selfish while worshipping their material and money to have time to “love thy neighbor as thyself.”
ó Essie May Lambert
4th of July beer story
fizzled with this reader
I was shocked to see on the front page of the Salisbury Post, on July 4, in color, no less, the advertisement for beer.
Looks to me like this was the day to honor those who served our country. There is never a day when we should open the paper and see such trash. May I suggest that if you have no news to print, just close down. I hope you get lots of complaints about this.
ó Jean Curlee