Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Almost all Farm Service Agency (FSA) payments are made electronically using direct deposit.
This innovation has cut down on the number of missing and late payments and reduced the time required to move funds. It has been determined that the chance of having a problem with a payment is 20 times greater with checks than with direct deposit. Another benefit is that direct deposit to an account can be made within 48 hours.
To keep the system running smoothly, it is critical to keep the county office staff up to date on changes made in financial institutions.
If farmers have changed accounts or institutions that might affect the direct deposit of FSA payments, they should contact the Cabarrus-Mecklenburg FSA so it can update the files to ensure continued, uninterrupted service.
Producers and any socially disadvantaged individual or group are encouraged to contact the Cabarrus-Mecklenburg Farm Service Agency for additional details. Cabarrus County producers should call 704-788-2107, ext. 2, or visit the FSA Web site at The FSA is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.