Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 17, 2007

Greenville tournament
The Greenville, N.C. Sectional Tournament is scheduled for April 27-29. The playing site is the Greenville Country Club, 216 Country Club Dr. Carole Exum is the tournament chair.
Margaret and Charles Rimer placed first in the weekly duplicate game last Tuesday evening at the Salisbury Womans Club.
Other winners were: Phoebe Beard and June Evans, second; Judy Steele Hurder and Billy Burke, third; Stella Shadroui and Betty Bonner Steele, fourth.
This was the deal on Board 8 from Tuesdays game:
South dealer, both sides vulnerable
A K 8 5u Q 10 8 7 3
A Q 7 6
10 9 7 2
A K 7 3 2 J 10 5 4
u J 6 2 u A K 9 5
K 10 8 3 2 9
Q J 6 4 3
Q 9 8 6
u 4
J 5 4
The Shadroui/Steele pair defeated their West opponents five-hearts-doubled contract three tricks for the best N/S score on this deal.
Myrnie and John McLaughlin played a two hearts contract, making three, for the top E/W score.
In the Evergreen Clubs Friday the 13th duplicate game, Betty Bonner and Clyde Steele placed first.
Other winners were: Marie Pugh and Ruth Bowles, second; June Evans and Joe OBrien, third; Sue Godridge and Stella Shadroui, fourth.
n n nBilly Burke is ACBL, Life Master director of the Salisbury Womans Club weekly duplicate games.