Letter: Winning program
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Thank you, First Baptist Church of Salisbury
I am 65 years old, and this is the first time I have written to the Post. I feel the Lord has laid this on my heart, and it needs to be said. Yes, I am a child of God, but please do not stop reading at this point, as I want to invite you to share with me one of the biggest blessings of your life. So please read to the end.
Several years ago, First Baptist Church started a program called “Upward,” a basketball program for children to play, have a good time, and learn the sport. It is complete with cheerleaders and devotions at half time. This year they added something new, a team for special-needs children. They have played two games, and I can still feel the joy and love in the depth of my heart and soul. You can see through their eyes they are special children God put on this Earth for a special reason. Some of them need special equipment but that doesn’t matter. Every child scores! I sit in the stands, cheer, scream, clap and cry when I see their smiles bright as the sun and deep as the stars when the ball goes in the basket. To receive a blessing that will leave your heart filled with so much love you have to pass it on, be at the old YMCA across from First Baptist Church on Saturdays at 4 p.m. Hope to see you there.
A heartfelt thank you and may God bless all the people that make this program possible.
— Doris W. Lewis