Looking Back: Senior play
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 26, 2006
The senior class play, “The Patsy,” definitely disproved the idea that the junior play is always better than the one presented by the seniors. But not this time. Its reputation has lingered through the years, and people glancing through the 1937 annual, the Cannon Report, can easily understand why. The setting would grace a stage today, and the clothing was in touch with the time. And then there’s the telephone. You have to be over 75 to remember a telephone like that one on the table just behind the couple in the center of the picture. It sat on a table and had an elaborate speaker with a mouthpiece to speak into. On one side was a metal hanger for the earpiece which the person using the phone held to his ear. It was attached to the speaker with a cord. But the standard question of the generations who have come after that kind of phone was replaced wonder why anyone would sit in the public living room to make or take a call. For Looking Back information or to submit a picture, contact Rose Post at 704-797-4251 or rpost@salisburypost.com.