Letter: Hunting tradition instills family values
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 26, 2006
I am writing in response to the Dec. 21 letter from Sue Cornell worrying about a 6-year-old who killed a deer. Obviously, her background did not include a hunting tradition as many families do. If it did, she would understand that responsible parents teach their children at an early age about the damage guns can do when handled irresponsibly.
No parent allows a 6-year-old to go into the forest alone with a firearm. A parent or other responsible relative sits with the child and teaches him or her about nature, hunting and life in general. This sort of mentoring is called “quality time”.
The case in question is a study in good parenting. To teach a young person to shoot and, more importantly, when and what to shoot, takes patience, discipline and love. This young man obviously has someone who loves him enough to take the time to teach him to shoot and hunt. I can’t predict the future, but I think it unlikely that when this young man is 18 his parents will have to worry about his behavior because they are teaching him discipline, respect and love for nature and animals. Don’t worry about this young man; worry about the children whose parents don’t care about them and don’t teach them about life and death.
My granddaughter is 10 months old. For Christmas I am getting her a lifetime hunting and fishing license. She may not care for either sport when she’s old enough, but that’s OK. Her parents will give her the opportunity to hunt and fish or whatever she wants to do that will make her a good person and citizen. We will also take her to church and Sunday school because a religious upbringing is also a vital part of a child’s education and life.
— Tony Hilton