Letter: Red Cross ready to help when fire strikes
Published 12:00 am Monday, December 11, 2006
Your Dec. 8 article on the Bringle Ferry Road fire that displaced a
family of six re-emphasizes the danger of home fires. In my role as
manager of disaster services for the Hanford Dole Chapter of the
American Red Cross, I often ask people if they know what natural
disaster poses the biggest threat in our country. Most think in terms
of hurricanes, floods or tornadoes. But in fact, home fires are the
biggest disaster threat.
Across the nation last year, the Red Cross responded to 73,000
disasters, 92 percent of which were home fires. Locally, the Dole
Chapter of the American Red Cross responds to meet the needs of fire
victims on the average of once a week. We assist with immediate,
disaster-caused needs for food, clothing and shelter. We also refer
them to Rowan Helping Ministries, the Salvation Army and Daymark
Recovery Services for additional assistance.
We tell clients that the financial assistance they are receiving comes
from the citizens of Rowan County. The Hanford Dole Chapter budget
comes entirely from local contributions through United Way and
individual gifts. I take this opportunity to thank all those who
empower us to assist in meeting basic needs for food, clothing and
— Jacob Mayer
Editor’s note: Jacob Mayer is manager of disaster services for the
Hanford Dole Chapter–American Red Cross.