Letters to the editor
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Someone could build jail for less
In reading a local paper, there is an article and picture about the Embassy Suites Golf Course and Spa Charlotte/Concord and Concord Convention Center, I noticed the hotel is an 11-story, 308-suite complex. The hotel is a John Q. Hammond $60 million project.
My question is: Should we not have contracted with John Q. Hammond to build our new jail?
It seems that when a person or industry is building something with their own money, they can do it on a budget. This is unlike those that are using our tax dollars, who do not seem to have any accountability and have little regard for a budget.
How many prisoners could be housed in one suite and just how many per floor?
I am sure the cost of luxury could compensate for the bare bones security, i.e. stainless toilets/sinks and bars, versus luxury baths and plush furnishings. From the picture, it looks as though the indoor atrium could be a great workout area. I am not saying to build 11 stories, but just how many people would the fire marshall allow per floor?
Security should not be a problem, with the amenities and upscale dining. I am sure they will have ample offices, banquet halls, parking, cameras and security. After all, what prisoner would want to leave?
Where is the accountability in this county? Who is responsible for the gym at Cox Mill not being a regulation-size court? Is the tunnel misalignment just a rumor? Why was the retaining wall at the jail an “afterthought” and not in the original plans?
Who checked this site out for contaminants prior to purchase?
We need a new jail, but does it have to be the most expensive in N.C.?
— Betty Lipe
Seniors need help
Thank you for your opinion piece and article concerning the senior lunch program in Kannapolis. The taxpayers of Kannapolis need some up-front answers to several questions.
As pointed out by Mr. Davis, the YMCA director, the building is privately owned by a private corporation; therefore, why is the city donating any unspecified funds to any private, religious-based organization? What is the total amount donated from tax money yearly to the YMCA? How did the Y arrive at the amount of $20,000 to $25,000 as an expense to operate the senior lunch program? Why would the city of Kannapolis ever donate one cent more to the YMCA, except to fund specifically the lunch program in the future?
How is it legal to donate to a privately owned, Christian organization and give them a “no strings attached” amount of money to use as they see fit, without helping the people whose money they are using?
I hope the YMCA is not included ever again in the budget for the city of Kannapolis, with their lack of “Christian charity” toward these people that they won’t help but don’t mind accepting their “donations.”
The Y used to be the center of great activities for all of us when we were growing up. Shame on the City Council if it allows this to happen and continues to use our tax dollars, many of which are senior tax dollars, to fund anything at the Y, other than the senior lunch program or designated programs to benefit all citizens.
— Ken and Janet Dennis
China Grove
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