Letters to the editor — Monday (6-1-2015)

Published 12:05 am Monday, June 1, 2015

McCrory should be one-term governor

Pat McCrory — he is a real piece of work. It is my hope that he is a one-time governor for this wonderful state! He has not helped the people of North Carolina at all.

When he didn’t expand Medicaid for the people of N.C., he did them a huge injustice! Single people and others don’t have a chance! Obamacare is too expensive for those with a limited income. Federal dollars would have supported this for the first few years. Shame on Pat McCrory.

The list of his failures go even further than Medicaid: N.C. highways — in the absolute worst conditions. Why isn’t the outrageous gas tax being applied as it is supposed to be to repair these roads?

Then, there’s his stance on the magistrates’ position; along with that, he has not helped the teachers of N.C. at all! The little Mickey Mouse raise they received will hardly buy a tank of gas. Let’s not forget about the coal ash spill from Duke Energy. McCrory was one of the first to suggest the customers pay the cleanup bill — are you kidding me? Why should we pay it? Pat McCrory has a huge interest in Duke Energy, as he was employed there and I wonder how much stock he owns.

Let the stockholders pay for the cleanup! That’s what I say. He has really disappointed me as a governor and I will never vote for him again! I do believe Roy Cooper would do a much better job …

— Gwen Johnson

China Grove