Letters to the editor — Wednesday (1-28-15)

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 28, 2015

President seems to overlook facts

In my view the president and his supporters overlook some basic human and economic truths in their march towards economic nirvana:

1. The leveling of society he seeks ultimately leads to economic decline for all-witness the European Disease known as socialism

2. The government does not create jobs and wealth-only the private sector does this

3. The growth of the culture of entitlement leads to the decline of self-reliance-the true source of individual and collective prosperity.

4. Our ever-increasing national debt is leading us closer to the train wreck of economic disaster.

5. Yes, there are inequities, but the least of us have much to be envied by the rest of the world, and we all have the opportunity of bettering ourselves in our dynamic society.

6. Lastly, there is no such thing as perfection in this life, only politicians who pander to us with that dream.

— M.B. Blankenship Jr.


Two issues

I have two things I would like to address.

1. First of all, Obama is not our president. He is not a leader. I wonder if he and his family are going to use Obamacare.

2. The people do not realize the type of criminals that our police have to deal with.

— Catherine A. Sommers
