Farm School students travel to Sandhills
Published 12:00 am Friday, July 10, 2015
By Jordan Shipton
NC A&T State University Intern for Rowan County
Rowan, Forsyth, Davie, Davidson and Montgomery counties hosted another wonderful farm tour last Thursday when they took Farm School participants to White Oak Farm, the Sandhills Research Station and Johnson’s Peaches. They participated in a day of learning and networking with some of Montgomery County’s upcoming and influential faces in agriculture.
White Oak Farm greeted the Farm School students in the morning and gave them a tour of their farm where they grow produce for local farmers’ markets and operate a home-delivery Country Basket Program that delivers fresh, in-season produce to local subscribers.
The group then went to the Sandhills Research Station, where they learned about current research going on within the station. Eighteen of these stations are spread over North Carolina, and each is doing unique research, inspired by crops grown by farmers in their area.
The research station, along with Montgomery County Extension, sponsored a lunch highlighting foods that had been locally produced in the area. Local beef, donated by Hilltop Angus, was turned into delicious hamburgers; homegrown onions and tomatoes were supplied by White Oak Farm. Lunch was followed by famed peach dumplings and vanilla ice cream from Johnson’s Peaches, located on Exit 39, off of Highway 73 in Candor.
Special thanks are given to all of the farms for hosting the Farm School and to the farmers who shared their knowledge with the group about successfully operating a sustainable farm.
The Southern Piedmont NC Farm School is a seven-month educational program that teaches new and transitioning farmers to operate successful and profitable farms.
For more information on participating in the Southern Piedmont Farm School contact your local Cooperative Extension Agent, Danelle Cutting at 704-216-8970 or visit