Letters to the editor – Wednesday (1-12-11)

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Shooting reveals liberal hypocrisy
Remember back when the Fort Hood shooting occurred how the mainstream media and political left (pretty much one and the same) went out of its way to avoid any mention of the shooter being Muslim or any insinuation that radical Islam had anything to do with it?
Well, lo and behold, within minutes of the shooting in Arizona, these very leftists (the county sheriff, New York Times, CBS News, MSNBC, ABC News, members of Congress and Senate) were immediately blaming the language of conservatives for the incident. One particular example of this hypocrisy was their citing Sarah Palinís recent campaign map showing vulnerable congressional districts with gun sights on them. Of course, these liberals conveniently forget that the Democrats displayed a similar map in 2004, featuring nine bullseyes over regions where Republican candidates were considered vulnerable that year, and was accompanied by a caption reading: TARGETING STRATEGY. A smaller caption, beneath the bullseyes, read: BEHIND ENEMY LINES.
Who is really the purveyor of hate? Over a year ago, liberal analyst Juan Williams decried the vitriol from those of his own political persuasion. He noted how many of his fellow leftists publicly stated their desire for the death of those with whom they disagreed (President Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Bill OíReilly, etc.). By contrast, when the illness of liberal Sen. Ted Kennedy was publicized, pretty much every prominent conservative, including those thus targeted by the liberals, stated that they wished the senator well and were praying for him. It really gave Williams pause to see the contrast.
I know Iím doubtless naÔve, but the hatred and hypocrisy of the left, and its being ignored by most of the media (with whom it shares a common vision), still astounds me.
ó Stuart Smith
Bad makeup choice
Regarding the Rowan-Salisbury School System holding class on Saturday as a snow makeup day:
Attendance is crucial. Children canít learn if they are not there. However, my children will not be attending Saturday school. There are plenty of available weekdays for making up todayís snow day. Weíve been pushed around long enough by plenty enough government and or organizations.
Iím taking a stand. They had better not be marked as unexcused absences. I hope I am not alone in this opinion.
ó Rachel Stewart