Letters to the editor – Saturday (1-31-09)

Published 12:00 am Friday, January 30, 2009

Instead of stirring the pot, work to make things better
Day and day out, I used to read all the negative comments about then-President Bush. Now, President Obama has inherited the worst of the same.
Can’t real Americans understand we are supposed to be one nation under God? What does it take to become that? Another 9/11?
Yes, I know we have freedom of speech, but many of you are not speaking to help. You are deliberately speaking to make things worse. I guess that’s your job on Earth.
If you are such a great problem solver, why don’t you run for the presidency or any office that can help people?
Anybody can be a problem; that’s one act you don’t need any skills to do.
We all live in this great nation, but it can be greater still. From the journalist to the private citizen ó stop stirring the pot of bias and bigotry. It will only make things bitter, not better.
Of course, you know that. Can’t you see? One person, regardless of background or history, can’t solve every problem this nation has. It’s a great task; only the brave dare take it on.
We are many nations in one, and everyone has his or her idea of how things should go.
Salisbury Post, thanks so much for explaining why you put President Obama on the cover of the Jan. 21 inauguration issue. I just can’t get it out of my mind how insensitive some people are.
It’s sad and disheartening to know we still have people who are still stuck in their self-centered state.
To me, that would be a lonely existence, being trapped by hatred and delusion.
Someone asked me a question a while back: Will the world be a better place because I lived or because I died?
I hope because I lived. What about you?
ó James E. Neely
East Spencer
Business as usual
We were promised the new stimulus would be for stimulating the economy and no be filled with pork. How does $200 million for beautifying the national mall (including $25 million for new grass) stimulate the economy? And $4 billion to ACORN for “neighborhood stabilization”? Or $200 million for contraceptives and the abortion industry? What is going on in Washington? Can you say bacon? This stimulus is going to be as successful as the last. Instead of giving it to the banks, they are spending it on themselves ($600 million for cars for federal bureaucrats) and special interests.
How can we keep printing money? The paper next to your toilet is worth more than the paper in your wallet.
Who is doing a better job, the Big Three automaker CEOs or the politicians running the federal government? Remember the CEOs’ having to report to the politicians? Who are the politicians reporting to?
The company being run on our behalf is being run into the ground by lifetime politicians the majority of whom probably never had a real job in their lives. Could they survive working paycheck to paycheck, the way most Americans do?
To stimulate the economy, any stimulus money should be given to the American people, and we decide how to use it. Would it stimulate the economy if we spent it to provide for our families? Or saved some of it in the banks? Or put some of it in the stock market?
If you care, then contact your government officials. And, yes, some of these things were pulled out of the package. The point is, they were in there to begin with. Others still are. Who are you going to blame now? This stimulus package is the work of the new administration. Where is the change? Seems like business as usual to me.
ó Jamey Zink