Letters: Pro-choice Obama bad choice on Nov. 4
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pro-choice Obama bad choice on Nov. 4
Whoever wrote the editorial on Oct. 23 (“Hayes doctrine: Open mouth, insert ideology”) seemed not to consider very deeply what he or she was saying. I have a hard time comprehending any attempted “rationalization” of abortion in this country ó a practice that is clearly condemned by God in Scripture. In a country founded on the godly premise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, I fail to see how the slaughtering of more than a million innocent babies each year in the U.S. could possibly uphold any American’s moral convictions.
The running total of abortions in the U.S. is more than 40 million. It is large scale genocide! The preamble to the Constitution states as a purpose “to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,” meaning the unborn millions of Americans who would follow our founding fathers. Is it not understood that the ” blessing of liberty” must include the right to life?
How much farther can we stray from our original convictions? Not only is abortion unconstitutional, regardless of what liberal activist judges say, it is also premeditated murder! Pro-choice means the choice to commit first-degree murder for the sake of convenience.
Since Barack Obama supports this “choice” at every possible opportunity, and since abortion is clearly an abomination to God, any Christian who supports him on Election Day cannot possibly have thought responsibly through their vote. I implore every person who continues to entertain any semblance of moral conviction to reconsider the choice to vote for Barack Obama. I fear the judgment of God on a country that defends the heinous “choice” of abortion/infanticide.
ó Amanda L. Safrit
China Grove
Cut Social Security?
I was frightened to hear recently that Senator McCain’s funding of his health “benefits” package includes reducing Social Security, Medicare benefits, etc. Additional taxation, through taxation of health care benefits, is already a scary hardship to contemplate for the low-income. But reducing income for the retired would be devastating to a vast number of our citizens ó most certainly to our image around the world.
Social Security cost-of-living increases have not kept pace with the “real” percentage of increase in the cost of living, and the projected increase for 2009 ó 51/2 percent ó comes nowhere close to closing the gap. Just considering basics ó milk, eggs, bread, etc. ó the statistics show increases of 11 percent to 25 percent. Gasoline? Social Security benefits do not meet the needs of most retired seniors now, and many must work to make ends meet. What happens to those who are unable to work?
Senator McCain has already shown poor judgment ó for example, the choice of vice presidential candidate ó but this is not only poor judgment, this is catastrophic for all retired citizens in America!
I will be voting for the guy who cares ó has compassion for others, and wants justice for them, through less taxation!
If you care about your older folks, I beg you, please vote no to McCain!
ó Ginger K. Wiley
Gun owners, beware
Barack Obama runs ads on TV saying he is in favor of gun ownership. His record indicates otherwise. He voted to:
1. Increase taxes on firearms and ammunition by 500 percent.
2. Ban the sale of almost all hunting ammunition.
3. Prosecute people who use guns for self-defense in the home.
4. Oppose the concealed carry law.
5. Renew the assault weapon ban.
6. Favor handgun law registration requirements and licensing requirements for training.
He has voted against the gun owner every time.
If you need verification, call the National Rifle Association at 1-800-392-8683. It is a matter of public record that your congressman or senator can also verify.
Obama is lying again!
ó Kenneth Z. Hall