Latest Kent Bernhardt Archives - Salisbury Post

Kent Bernhardt

Kent Bernhardt: Egg-splain something to me

By Kent Bernhardt My favorite food is getting skewered in the media, and I can no longer hold ...

Kent Bernhardt

“A Bury Home Companion” comes home

Submitted Dorothy had it right. There’s no place like home. Home is what we will celebrate Aug. 31 ...


Kent Bernhardt: Hello – Can I Have a Moment of Your Time? (06.24)

I see North Carolina’s Attorney General is lowering the boom on robocalls, and he has my blessing – ...


Kent Bernhardt: What’s with all the squirrels?

By Kent Bernhardt Is it me, or is Salisbury just infested with squirrels lately? Maybe I just never ...


Kent Bernhardt: Not cool — don’t wanna be

By Kent Bernhardt I’m not cool. It’s a reality that I’m comfortable with because the truth is I ...


Kent Bernhardt: You gotta start somewhere

It was the summer of ’69, the same summer that gave us a man on the moon and ...


Kent Bernhardt: Things we no longer do. And for most, good riddance

If you’re anything like me, you can remember a lot of things in your life that were at ...


Kent Bernhardt: Carolina snow

  Winter is again upon us, and with it comes the threat of hazardous winter weather which generates ...


Kent Bernhardt: Stir straws and spare tires

  I’m pretty sure modern civilization started to crumble the day stir straws replaced spoons. Well, it may ...


Kent Bernhardt: Once again, TV just can’t do church

….or “Bringing in the Heaves” I had such high hopes for a new NBC sitcom called “Perfect Harmony.” ...


Kent Bernhardt: My new reality

  I’ve done what most American males do throughout the course of their lives, gained a couple of ...


Kent Bernhardt: Goodbye Summer – hello pumpkin spice

  As autumn approaches and gradually overtakes us, we bid a fond farewell to parties by the pool, ...


Kent Bernhardt: These things called computers

I’m convinced that most of the problems we have with our computers on a day to day basis ...


Kent Bernhardt: That Bachelorette Show

  Maybe you missed it, but ABC recently finished off another season of “The Bachelorette.”   Women seem ...


Kent Bernhardt: ‘Mater Sandwiches

    A huge chasm is widening in our nation today. It is growing with each passing year. ...


Kent Bernhardt: We need each other

My neighbors had some large trees removed from their yard recently, and I watched nervously from my den ...


Kent Bernhardt: The announcer dilemma

I’m an announcer by trade. I’ve spent most of my professional life enunciating information, both good and bad, ...


Kent Bernhardt: Till we meet again, and again

  By the time I finish this little essay, I’ll be due at a meeting at my place ...


Kent Bernhardt: I guess the yolk’s on me

  It was called “the incredible, edible egg” once upon a time by advertisers who wanted us to ...


Kent Bernhardt: The intersections of life

  We sat frozen in the moment, our eyes meeting for the first time. We knew not what ...


Kent Bernhardt: Out of step

“Do you ever feel like the world is a tuxedo, and you are a pair of brown shoes?”— ...


Kent Bernhardt: A Hollywood Jolly Christmas

And the award for the best Christmas movie ever goes to… Well, that depends on whom you ask. ...


Kent Bernhardt: Merry Christmas – and have a dinner roll

’Tis’ the season for those holiday family gatherings, and that means lots of time for uncomfortable conversations with ...


Kent Bernhardt: NASCAR for sale?

News of the possible sale of NASCAR sent tremors through the motorsports community Monday. Long timers in the ...


Kent Bernhardt: So long for now …

By Kent Bernhardt Special to the Post I can tell you when my fascination with radio began. Growing ...


Kent Bernhardt: The big tune out

Once, long ago, I visited a farm.  I knew I was on a farm because, aside from being ...


The fight for equality hit home one foggy morning in 1968

“Red and yellow, black and white… They are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of ...


Winter weather causes grocery store hysteria

Here in the South, we go a little nutty over the mere mention of frozen precipitation. We just ...

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