Letter: The great problem

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The My Turn submission titled “Aggressive, clueless and destructive” surprised and pleased me, not that I expect the author’s views to be understood nor accepted by readers.

There is much of worth to what he says, and it is time that someone spoke up about this. I doubt, however, that the flaunting of Ukrainian flags by politically correct poseurs in Salisbury is the real problem. It is a manifestation of cheap emotion and facile virtue within the context of something much more serious than what the media and government propagandists pretend is information.

His comments of U.S. involvement in the expansion of NATO and the Maidan coup are an explanation of Russia’s response to what that country can only view as a threat to its security. NATO a defensive alliance? Ho, ho, ho! If Russia loses out, it will be transformed into a neocolony of the G-7 to be exploited for its resources and prevented from continuing in the BRICS, an organization which will challenge the hegemony of the G-7 in the world economy.

Apart from the differences between eastern and western Ukraine, there is the problem of the corruption in the Ukraine which raises the question of its compatibility with what poses as “democracy.” U.S. involvement in this war is one more mistake in a long line of such which have led to the wasting of enormous amounts of money, a significant contributor to the national debt. At such a moment, it is best to remember Eisenhower’s warning about the military-industrial complex as well as the hyper-patriotism (the last refuge of a scoundrel) that has produced Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

— Richard Nash Creel
