Letter: Addressing the problem?
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Thank you to the author of “A prize not worthy of celebration” for your letter regarding the lottery in Sunday’s Salisbury Post.
You made many good points therein.
In relation thereto, I’d like to point out that since the start of the lottery, $1 million in lottery revenues have gone to the N.C. problem gambling program each year.
The program is more than the helpline because it also provides free treatment and counseling as well as education.
For the last 18 years, $18 million has been appropriated to the program from the lottery alone.
So am I saying thank you to our legislature for realizing that expanding the opportunities for gambling would likely result in some increase in gaming addiction?
Or am I saying it’s too bad that it’s needed?
— Marie Howell