Letter: A prize not worthy of celebration

Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 2, 2025

I read with interest your article glorifying and condoning with exhilaration the lottery prize system. Some won again, big deal.

I detest the state lottery. It definitely is not to be admired in any way. Mostly used by disadvantaged and poor people, who hope to win it big, what it really does is take hard-earned  income from those who cannot afford to use it. They need money for food, rent and transportation. I have picked up litter on my road for years. I always find used scratched off lottery tickets. I guess the type of people who wantonly, and criminally, toss their trash out their car windows are the type that buy lottery tickets. Not those to be admired.

So please, sir, stop your happiness with the lottery.

— Dick Richards,