Blotter — Jan. 28

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Salisbury Police reports

• A man was reportedly robbed at gunpoint on East Innes Street at 12:15 p..m. Jan. 23. Total estimated loss was $326 for a pair of shoes that were allegedly stolen.

• A larceny of a firearm from West Liberty Street reportedly occurred between 1:09 p.m. Jan. 23 and 3:36 p.m. Jan. 24. Total value of loss was $300.

• A burglary at First Choice Autos on South Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue reportedly occurred about 1:48 a.m. Jan. 25. Keys, a car and a license plate were reportedly taken.

• An assault on Klumac Road reportedly occurred between 1 and 3:19 a.m. Jan. 25.

• Property damage from a hit and run on West Innes Street reportedly occurred between 11:54 p.m. Jan. 23 and 12:01 p.m. Jan. 25.

• Property damage at a business on Old Plank Road reportedly occurred between 2:30 and 2:55 p.m. Jan. 25.

• Property damage on Clancy Street reportedly occurred between 9:30 and 10 a.m. Jan. 23 and was reported Jan. 25.

• Darell Eugene McCleave, 43, was arrested Jan. 24 and charged with misdemeanor larceny.

• Robert Edward Rosado, 26, was arrested Jan. 24 and charged with assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury after allegedly assaulting someone with a knife on Oakwood Avenue about 4:20 p.m that day.

• Lekuria Deshia Currie, 30, was arrested Jan. 24 and charged with misdemeanor hit and run causing property damage.

• Savannah Jean Haney, 36, was arrested Jan. 25 and charged with misdemeanor carrying a concealed pistol/gun.

• Bryan Oneal Taylor, 52, was arrested Jan. 25 and charged with felony second degree kidnapping following an incident on Ridge Road about 6:40 p.m. that day.

• Kaleigh Ann Bean, 22, was arrested Jan. 25 and charged with breaking and entering buildings.

• Justin David Cline, 40, was arrested Jan. 26 and charged with resist/obstruct/delay of a public officer.

• Brendan Jhibo Williams, 41, was arrested Jan. 26 and charged with third-degree sexual exploitation of a minor.

• Jenny Nicole Hearne, 34, was arrested Jan. 26 and charged with misdemeanor larceny.

Rowan County Sheriff’s Office reports

• An assault on Doby Drive, Gold Hill reportedly occurred between 1:45 and 1:54 a.m. Jan. 23.

• Larceny of automobile accessories from Waters Road reportedly occurred between 8:15 p.m. Jan. 22 and 8 a.m. Jan. 23.

• A larceny from a motor vehicle on Statesville Boulevard reportedly occurred between 11 a.m. Jan. 16 and 9:30 a.m. Jan. 23. 

• An assault on Coley Road reportedly occurred about 1:30 a.m. Jan. 24.

• A larceny from a motor vehicle on Unity Church Road reportedly occurred between 8 p.m. Jan. 23 and 5:20 p.m. Jan. 24.

• An assault on Forsaken Drive, China Grove reportedly occurred about 12:30 p.m. Jan. 25.

• Joseph Martin Lancaster, 28, was arrested Jan. 23 and charged with child support cash compliance.

• Ryan Antonio Cartas, 25, was arrested Jan. 23 and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, resist/obstruct/delay of an officer, possession of a schedule I controlled substance, larceny by anti-inventory device, felony conspiracy, failure to appear and two counts of misdemeanor larceny.

• Mollie Tamara Wynn, 28, was arrested Jan. 23 and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia.

• Rosendo Eleazar Cardona, 24, was arrested Jan. 24 and charged with violation of a domestic violence protective order.

• Jessica Ann Bullock, 29, was arrested Jan. 24 and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of schedule II controlled substance.

• Taylor Scott Bowles, 32, was arrested Jan. 24 and charged with violation of a domestic violence protective order.

• Justin Bailey Peeler, 25, was arrested Jan. 25 and charged with possession of schedule II controlled substance and simple possession of a scedule IV controlled substance.

• Clinton Joel Nash, 26, was arrested Jan. 25 and charged with possession of a schedule II controlled substance and simple possession of a schedule IV controlled substance.

• Josie Arianne Dyer, 30, was arrested Jan. 25 and charged with two counts of possession of drug paraphernalia and two counts of possession of a schedule II controlled substance.

• Chad Eugene Linker, 45, was arrested Jan. 25 and charged with two counts of possession of a firearm by a felon and assault on a female.