Landis town manager takes temporary expanded role: Board approves multiple public works truck purchases
Published 12:05 am Friday, January 17, 2025
(The previous version of this story referred to Town Manager Michael Ambrose on a secondary reference as serving in interim town manager capacity. His new role is as interim finance director.)
LANDIS — Landis’ town manager will be taking on a few more duties after being approved to serve as interim finance director.
During its regularly-scheduled meeting Monday, the Landis Board of Aldermen approved Town Manager Michael Ambrose to step into the finance director role on an interim basis until the position can be formally filled.
The recommendation to appoint Ambrose as the interim town manager was officially made by him. In recommending himself for the position, Ambrose estimated to the board that it would only be for approximately three months.
“We are hoping (to fill the position) in 90 days,” Ambrose said on Monday.
Human Resources Director and Town Clerk Madison Stegall indicated that the finance director position opening had been posted in multiple places including Landis’ website, the North Carolina League of Municipalities and
While Ambrose is serving in the capacity as interim finance director, his salaried compensation from the town will increase by 10 percent.
Alderman Ryan Nelms offered the nod to Ambrose’s recommendation and timeline so that Landis officials “can re-evaluate in three months to see where we are at from a hiring standpoint.”
It was approved unanimously, although Mayor Pro Tem Ashley Stewart was absent from the meeting.
The move did not require a budget amendment from the town.
“We will actually be saving a good bit of money (during the interim period),” Ambrose said.
In other Landis news, Public Works Director Blake Abernathy brought the purchase of two trucks to be used for his department before the board of aldermen.
The first truck is a 2025 Chevrolet Silverado in the amount of $46,545.
“This vehicle will be used for meeting with contractors, conducting site inspections, helping as needed with outages and moving materials as needed,” Abernathy told the board.
Additionally, Abernathy requested the board to approve the purchase of an 2025 F-150 SuperCrew for $41,469.
Abernathy explained that it would be used by the department’s electric crew for call-out purposes and daily tasks around town.
Abernathy added that the truck it would be replacing has 176,000 miles on it and has been the subject of repeated maintenance over the last couple of years.
“Its just a matter of time before it goes,” Abernathy told the board.
Both purchases were approved unanimously.