My Turn: Michelle Strong: Turning together
Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 16, 2025
- Strong
By Michelle Strong
Since the heart of what EYES (Embrace Your Elephant Scriptually) Journey does is conversations, I decided to look up its definition and found myself delving deeper into its roots.
I discovered that the Latin origin of the word comes from the verb “conversari.” This verb is a compound of “con” (meaning “with” or “together” ) and “versare”( meaning to “turn”).
When combined, the literal meaning of a conversation is “turning together.”
The image brings to mind a hopeful visual when we consider the topic of race and racism. Race, a human construct, and racism, an issue of the heart, have long divided us.
Historically, the physical divisions were glaringly obvious — segregated restaurants, homes, schools, yes, and even water fountains. Laws were eventually enacted to address these visible divides. However, the divisions that exist within our hearts are not as easily seen, making them harder to address.
Laws did the physical work, but it is up to us to do the heart work.. together. It requires a collective effort, a commitment to turning together toward a future where our differences are celebrated rather than feared.
As Christian believers, we are uniquely positioned to tackle these heart issues. Our faith calls us to love and unity, to embrace one another’s differences. The church must lead the way in fostering conversations and building authentic relationships that heal racial divides.
The concept of “turning together” serves as a powerful metaphor for this process. It implies a mutual, collaborative effort to move in the same direction. EYES tables and talks are here to create spaces for open dialogue, educating ourselves and others about racial heart issues. Authentic community… being intentionally built one conversation at a time.
Imagine a future where the church is a beacon of unity in a divided world… where race relations are not just tolerated but embraced. This vision is within our reach, but it requires each of us to engage in the heart work, to turn together away from silence and assumptions and towards conversations and truth.
As we embark on this journey, let us accept the challenge of the true meaning of conversation… turning together.
Michelle Strong is the founder of Eyes Journey