Darrell Blackwelder: Time for winter chores
Published 12:00 am Saturday, January 4, 2025
- Mark Brincefield, for the Salisbury Post
The holidays are over and, when weather permits, many will want to get outdoors to their gardening chores. Below are a few gardening activities that may need attention.
• Add mulch: Now is a great time to add mulch to your shrubs, perennials and trees to increase winter protection. Mulch, which holds the ground to an even temperature, helps prevent freeze and thaw problem that can kill plants, especially perennials. Pine needles, pine bark and soil conditioners are readily available at local retail outlets.
• Keep your shrubs and containers watered: It can get dry in the winter. Keep newly planted trees and shrubs irrigated, as well as container plants. Container plantings suffer both from temperature extremes as well as lack of water, especially with cold, windy weather.
• Poinsettias and houseplants: Many like to keep poinsettias and try their luck for next season. Care for the plant as you would any houseplant. Place it in a sunny location, water as needed, and apply a half strength fertilizer solution monthly. After the last frost, cut back the stems to 3 to 4 inches to promote new growth repot and place it outdoors in a protected location.
• Birds need our help: Make sure that you keep your bird feeders well stocked with clean feed and ample water during the winter. Birds suffer greatly during frigid weather when water baths freeze. Consider a bird bath water heater. The portable heaters keep the water in baths or containers just above freezing allowing ready access. Also consider planting shrubs bearing winter berries. Many birds such bluebirds depend on berries for winter survival.
Darrell Blackwelder is the retired horticulture agent and director with the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service in Rowan County. Contact him at deblackw@ncsu.edu.