Letter to the Editor — Jan. 2
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Mayor Karen Alexander was always concerned
Sometimes when we discuss our elected officials, it is usually not in the most flattering terms. We feel that our elected officials are not accessible, nor aware of, or in tune with what we, the voters, want and need from them.
There is one elected official, however, about whom I am writing today, that always demonstrated to me that she was concerned about my concerns and responded to these concerns promptly. That official was Mayor Karen Alexander.
I communicated my issues to her by email. On several occasions, I wrote to her about matters that she would not have known about had I not brought them to her attention. One example is the lack of lighting on my street. Another was leaf pickup problems I was having with the city. Another was a problem with recycling pickup. On every occasion, the problem was addressed very promptly within the confines of her position as the mayor of Salisbury. I knew then that Mayor Alexander read her email.
I am going to miss Mayor Alexander very much. Through each of the actions she took on my behalf, I saw an elected official who cared about her constituents.
— Nancy Martino