Christmas Happiness: “And a little child shall lead them…”
Published 12:05 am Thursday, December 19, 2024
- Members of the First United Methodist Church pre-school program drop off a donation to the Christmas Happiness Fund on Tuesday. - Chandler Inions
The children in the pre-school program at First United Methodist Church came for their annual visit to make a donation to the Christmas Happiness fund, bringing with them, as they always do, the joy of the season.
Each year, the two- three- and four-year-old children in the preschool program at the church have a “penny harvest,” where students are encouraged to drop loose change into jars beginning after Halloween. The money they collect is then donated to the Happiness Fund, and it is the four-year-old students who get to take a walking field trip the offices of the Salisbury Post to make the donation.
This year, students in the program donated $304.12, and unlike in years past, when they donated to children in the community, this year their donation was in memory of George Hines, a late member and volunteer of the church. Hines used to save his own change, and each year, he would make a sizable donation to the penny harvest to help the children. Though he died earlier this year, his family donated his change jar to the children, once again making a donation to their penny harvest, said program director and four-year-old teacher Kelly Austin.
“He would pop his head in and visit, and the children really connected with him, especially children who don’t have grandparents close by,” said Austin. “They’ve been doing this longer than I’ve been a part of it.”
“And every year, they get so excited about doing this.” Although they never get to meet the children they are helping, she said they still seem to have an understanding that “this is one way they can show their love and take care of people in their community.”
Teachers also use the coin collection for basic math and science skills, inviting students to count the coins and to weigh them. Anyone who makes a donation is allowed to pick up the jar to see how much it weighs, and Austin said by the end, the jars are so heavy not all students can lift it.
There are about 40 children in the half-day program, and Austin said she and the other teachers see the fundraiser as an opportunity to remind the children of how lucky they are. Austin said the students in the program have not yet met children who might not be so fortunate, but when they get to kindergarten, they will, and building compassion now is important.
The oldest children walked to the Post office this week, and Austin said “they sing Christmas carols on the way there and on the way home, and they love every minute of it.”
The complete list of donations includes:
• In memory of Nancy Penley and Debbie Carter, by Brown Bag Readers Bookclub — $260
• In memory of Pete and Dot Conner. Also in honor of all our inspiring teachers, by Unity Sunday School Class, St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church — $200
• In memory of George Hines — a special friend of our preschool, by FUMC Preschool — $304.12
• In memory of Oscar, our fur baby. You were our favorite hello and our hardest goodbye, by Rick & Lisa Painter — $100
• In memory of Ruth and Earl McKinney and Irene and Harvey Dezern — $100
• In memory of Jim Mills, Bobby Hicks and James Gregory and in honor of KC and the Henhouse Honeys, by Van Ryder — $3
• In memory of Peggy, Tony and Irene and in honor of our son Scott Thackery, by Stephen and Martha — $50
• In honor of our teachers at Faith Academy, 4th grade Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Parker, 5th grade Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Crow, by Carter and Nolan Earnhardt — $50
• In honor of Grandmama and Pinky Love, Julie, Lola, Lucy and Tux — $25
Total — $832.12
Running total — $ 27,825.12