‘Seeing the difference we make:’ Lions Club in Rowan County shows up when it matters
Published 12:05 am Friday, February 2, 2024
SALISBURY — For over 100 years, the Lions Club has been on a crusade to support those who are blind or are visually impaired. Fifteen counties represent the North Carolina chapter at the local level and Rowan County has been at the forefront with giving back to a multitude of causes.
Earlier this month, the Lions Club held its mid-winter convention in Greensboro to elect existing members to new office positions. Salisbury Lions Club Membership Chair Wayne Kennerly has been with the international organization since 1980 and is extremely proud of the work the county has done.
“Our area is really strong out of 15 counties,” Kennerly said. “We have some really active members in our Lions Club.”
Mike Edwards and Sandy Fraser-Thomas from the Salisbury Lions Club were chosen as the district governor and 2nd vice district governor respectively and Gary Steele of the Cleveland Lions Club was endorsed as an international director candidate.
To them, the Lions Club is the perfect avenue for them to contribute to a worthy initiative.
“I’ve been a volunteer since I graduated from high school and joined the Army. From that point on, I’ve been volunteering for something,” Steele said.
“I love helping people, that was something in me. When there’s a lion, there’s a need,” Fraser-Thomas said.
The club uses its reach and influence for anyone who requires assistance. Besides providing eye exams and glasses to people, the club also has mini golf tournaments, Christmas parties, summer camps, fishing trips and performs environmental cleanups.
One of Edwards’ favorite aspects of the Lions Club is going out fishing and making other people’s day by just doing a fun, everyday activity.
“They get really enthused about catching a fish. I have a tendency when I fish with somebody who’s visually impaired, I’ll take the fish off the hook and I’ll always ask them to kiss the fish before we throw it back in. Everybody thinks that’s fun, that’s why I’m a lion,” Edwards said.
While the club handles all forms of noble ventures, they will be concentrating on diabetes, eye screenings and hunger in the immediate future. It seems that the Lions Club will continuously lend a hand whenever the moment arises.
“Anytime you hear about a disaster somewhere, regardless of who else is there, Red Cross or whoever, the lions are there. We probably went in as soon, if not before everyone else and we’ll be there after everyone else leaves,” Steele said.