Residents offer input as Spencer plans for the year ahead

Published 12:06 am Wednesday, March 22, 2023

SPENCER — Following a constructive public input meeting on what residents see as priorities for the coming year and for the long view, Spencer’s Board of Aldermen set a number of goals for the next 12 months.

During a public event recently, residents participated in group discussions on four topics: infrastructure, facilities and properties; community planning and development; public safety; and community outreach and involvement. In looking forward, a fifth category, staff excellence was also discussed. Each category now has two to three priorities for the year ahead.

Under infrastructure, facilities and properties, priorities will be: parks and recreation coordination and staffing; strategic acquisition and use of property; and implementation of a parks and recreation master plan.

In community planning and development, the top objectives are: zoning changes to support growth impact; focus on affordable housing (through the CDBG program); and promotion of downtown businesses.

Public safety will address a proactive public safety strategy under the police department, and expansion of staff, facilities and equipment for the fire department.

Under community outreach and involvement, the town will look at enhanced community engagement and providing signs for community information.

Finally, under staff excellence, the town will continue to work to ensure a high level of customer service while both retaining and developing staff.

“We are hoping to bring new, exciting things to Spencer, to bring back life and community events,” said board member Sam Morgan, who thanked the community for participating and the town staff members for their ongoing work.

“It’s always good to see and hear the community’s input in the vision for our town,” added board member Rashid Muhammad.