Doug Creamer: Joy

Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 10, 2022

By Doug Creamer

I store most of the outside Christmas decorations in the attic. When I was putting the things away in the attic last year I decided that it would be my last trip up there. I am getting older and pushing all those decorations up there has become quite the challenge. When I pulled down the stuff this year I got everything Christmas out of the attic…no more trips up there for Christmas for me.

Twenty-plus years ago, my mother made each of us kids a wooden reindeer planter that held an arrangement of poinsettias. He is Rudolph complete with a cute red nose. Several years ago as I was lifting him out of the attic, I lost my grip and he fell on the concrete floor. He hit his antler and one of them broke off. Rudolph hasn’t made it in the house since. As I lifted everything out of the attic this year Rudolph made the flight down, too. I pulled him out of the bag he was in and still think he is cute. The flowers had seen their better day and I pulled them out. He couldn’t come in looking like that. He needed to get his antlers fixed.

One of my neighbors has taken up woodworking. I sit on my porch and listen to him sawing, sanding and nailing things together. I wondered if he could fix Rudolph. He was out talking to another neighbor one day and I picked up Rudolph and headed in their direction.

He saw “us” coming. After a bit of laughing and teasing about what really happened to old Rudolph, he studied the situation. He said he thought that Rudolph would survive an “operation” and said he would give it a try. The three of us laughed and my neighbor carried him home like an injured pup.

That evening I was walking when he and his wife started to pass in their car. They slowed and he rolled down the window. “Doug,” he said solemnly, “Rudolph is on life support. I sure hope he makes it.” The three of us burst out laughing and they drove away. The next day he saw me leaving for a walk and called out, “Rudolph is on the operating table now and I think he is going to pull through.” We both laughed again.

My neighbor brought Rudolph home the other day. His antlers have been repaired. I thanked my neighbor and we shared another laugh. He told me that I would have to see a plastic surgeon to fix his puff ball nose and tail, which made us both laugh again. What a silly thing to get two grown men to laugh so much.

I decided later I would send some pictures of Rudolph getting his tail and nose fixed to my neighbor. Then I thought I could take other pictures of Rudolph sitting by the Christmas tree, outside practicing flying lessons, and looking up the chimney waiting on Santa Claus. I kept laughing and thinking of all kinds of things Rudolph might do.

Rudolph has sparked some holiday joy for me. But all this fun can’t compare to the joy that should surround the Christmas season. Why are Christians joyful at Christmas? It comes down to the fact that our sin separated us from God. He is holy and couldn’t be intimately connected to us. So God in His love decided to fix the problem. He asked Jesus to come to earth, live a sinless life, and then die on a cross as the perfect sacrifice to make it possible for God to reconnect with mankind. Jesus agreed and fulfilled the mission.

God, full of joy, can now reconnect with us. We can be filled with joy because we had this debt for our sin that none of us could pay that Jesus paid for us. In essence we won the lottery. All our sin is cleansed; we win a relationship with our loving Heavenly Father. On top of that we can be assured that we will go to heaven and be with Him for all eternity. That reality should fill all our hearts with uncontainable joy.

I want to encourage you to receive the greatest gift ever given: a baby born in a manger. If you will open your heart to Jesus, I promise that you will discover a joy that will overflow your life. You will still have to go through hard times, but now you will have Jesus and the Heavenly Father on your side to see you through. Open your heart now and accept Him.

Follow Rudolph’s adventure at

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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