Letter: Students deserve better at North Rowan

Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 17, 2022

After reading the article in Tuesday’s Post about the superintendent responding to the walkout by students at North Rowan High School, I felt compelled to respond.

While it seems nice that they say they support the students expressing themselves and drawing attention to their concerns, they have still not addressed the core issues. Yes, they met with a select few students, but what action is being taken to address their concerns? Why does it take two interim principals to replace one principal? Why has a permanent principal not been named when I know for a fact that qualified candidates have applied? What is being done about the discipline issues? What is being done about teachers leaving? Why has it been kept secret that Mrs. Williams left?

These questions must be answered. Our students deserve better! I encourage our NRHS family to demand better. I have never been prouder of our students for letting their concerns be known and for the peaceful and thoughtful way they acted. Now, let’s see if the superintendent and his team will actually act instead of blowing smoke.

— Carol Everhart
