Quotes of the week

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 21, 2021

“I guess is my advice is work hard and trust in the Lord. That’s what I did. I guess that’s why I’m still living.”

— Creola McClain, who turned 100 Sunday

“If you have ever been a part of a Special Olympics event, you know each and every athlete pours their heart and soul into every event they are participating in. Nobody finishes last.”

— Lt. P.J. Smith, Salisbury Police officer who organized the torch run through the county

“In a year like this, I wish we could give out thousands of these honors.”

— Kevin Jones, Rowan-Salisbury Schools  Board of Education Chair Kevin Jones while naming the  teacher and principal of the year

“We will continue to budget conservatively, but based on the increase in sales tax revenue and issuance of development permits, I am optimistic about our community’s ability to rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic.”

— Lane Bailey, Salisbury City  Manager on his proposed budget

“I know that they really love me and they did this all for me.”

— Joyci Luna, after her stepfather, Ed Tucker,  showed up at school to give her a horse-drawn carriage ride home for her 10th birthday

“I think the future of buses will eventually become electric … so I don’t mind being on the forefront of helping do our part for the environment.”

— Tim Beck, Rowan-Salisbury Schools transportation director after the school system was awarded an electric, battery-powered bus and a clean diesel bus in a pilot program

“I really do like technology and my goal is to always utilize technology to its fullest extent, when it makes sense, when it makes things efficient for employees and citizens.”

— Kelly Natoli, after she was promoted from human resources director to assistant county manager

“We had said we were going to dip our toes in the water, now we’re jumping in head first.”

— Elaine Spalding, president of the Rowan County Chamber of Commerce on  plans to hold the first in-person Power in Partnership breakfast in more than a year