Letter: Why censure Sen. Burr?

Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 21, 2021

The N.C. GOP censured Sen. Burr for his vote to uphold the second impeachment of Donald Trump. All senators were sworn in as impartial jurors and Sen. Burr heard the powerful House defense and voted his conscience that Trump was guilty as charged.

Too many of his senators had made up their minds the other way in advance and did not bother to pay attention to the facts. Indeed, it is Sen. Tillis who should be censured for voting in support of Trump.

This demonstrates how morally corrupt the GOP has become, bowing down to Trump and his years of crime and corruption. The N.C. GOP and a majority of Republicans must examine themselves seriously as to how they sold their souls to the devil if the party is to be viable in the future.

— Pat Bullard

China Grove