Letter: People, not rides made Faith Fourth special

Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 31, 2020

One year without the Faith Fourth is not the end of the world.

In this new world of uncertainty and daily increases in COVID-19 cases, one year without the Faith Fair and festivities is absolutely the correct call by the town of Faith. A festival that brings thousands in every year, it will provide ease and comfort to everyone who would have had to make the decision on whether or not to take their kids and family to a massive gathering.

Even if the fair and parade had gone on, it most certainly would have had many groups backing out, making the entire experience not as true as years past. Imagine allowing your children to ride the rides that were brought in and built by the traveling rides groups, bringing who knows what along with them.

One year without the Faith Fourth, yeah, it doesn’t feel right. But the parade and rides weren’t what made the Faith Fourth what it is. The patriotism, friendliness and people of Faith are what make the Faith Fourth.

— Gregory Misenheimer
